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(Contains cussing)


   You sighed, as you placed the last book on the bookshelf in front of you.  Standing up, putting your arms over your head, and rubbing your back, you looked around with a smile. You had just moved out on your own. A feeling of accomplishment swelled up in your chest, as you looked at all your hard work finally being paid off.

    The small house that you now owned was bought from an old lady that ran an antique shop down the road. You were thankful for the lady, after all the house was in good shape, and you got it for a fairly good price.

   The lady, who's name you learned to be Ruby, left some furniture in the house for you to use. She said that they wouldn't serve any use to her, so she would rather you have them. The things that Ruby had left behind were very old, yet they were in good condition.

    She had left behind some old couches and love seats, along with an antique kitchen table and silverware. Yet the thing that caught your eyes the most, was the antique mirror that hung in the guest room.

    As you stood from your spot next to the bookshelf you looked at the mirror. It was more wide than it was tall, and hung right above the bed. It's glass was crystal clear and had no cracks. The frame surrounding the mirror was a polished silver, which glistened as the sun hit it from the open widow on the wall to its right. The frame was made up of twisting vines that started in the center of the bottom. The vines then spread to each side and went up to the top of the mirror, where the vines connected and formed a beautiful rose.

   The mirror was mysterious yet beautiful, it seemed to lure you in and call your name. You shook your head and dismissed the thought. Right as you did so, you heard the doorbell ring. You quickly left the room and walked towards the front door. As you opened it your were met by your best friend Hinata and his boyfriend Kageyama.

   Hinata jumped and swallowed you into a big hug. You were slightly suffocating in his grip, but chose not to say anything. He let go of you and gave you a big smile. "Hey Y/n!"

   "Hey." You looked up to see Kageyama talking to you.

   You returned the smile, "Hey guys! Why don't you come in?"

   As you opened the door wider and stepped out of the way, they walked inside. "Your house is nice Y/n. It's a lot cleaner since your not living with this dumbass." You saw Kageyama pointing his thumb towards your orange haired friend.

   You let out a small chuckle, "Yeah me and him used to be roommates, I understand how messy he can be."

    "I'm not that messy!" You turned to see a pouting Hinata. "You all are just over exaggerating."

    "Yeah, Yeah, sure." Kageyama shook his head and looked towards you. "Oh yeah, we also brought you this." He held out his hands to reveal a small owl plush.

    "Thank you guys!" You smiled and brought the plush into your arms. "It's really soft!"

     "Yeah, and that's why we got it for you!" Hinata showed up out of no where, slightly scaring you. "You always talk about how much you like soft things!" His smile was warm as he looked at you.

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