Chapter 2

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First Night

"Brown skin girl, your skin just like pearls, the best thing in the world, never trade you for anybody else" -Beyonce, Blue Ivy, Saint Jhn & WizKid: Brown Skin Girl

A couple days past by in my hectic schedule and I hadn't contacted Veronica, but this was very normal for me as thorough ambivert. I have an abysmal record of getting acquainted with strangers and taking numbers but hardly ever following through.

I'll contact maybe 2 out of 20, and that's on a tipsy evening looking for entertainment or someone to escort me to an event last minute.

I'm super laid back and lazy when it comes to the chasing the opposite sex and on the contrary when it comes to chasing the same sex when owed money.

I'm so old school, in fact, I took classes in Tony Montana 101 when it comes to things like when he said "first you get the money then you get the girl" that resonated and reinforced the structure I already felt in my bones.

However, she did cross my mind more often than a random girl would usually under the circumstances. But still not enough to nudge some sort of correspondence out of me.

A friend of mine once told me that one of the ways of the universe is that whenever you're thinking about someone you've ever had contact with, it's because that person is also thinking about you at the same time. So apparently people cross each other's minds simultaneously.

When I thought about that and put into consideration how many times I'd thought about those bright brown seem to be innocent eyes, I grabbed my phone to send a light message and bam coincidentally she messaged me before I even typed a word.

"Hey, you". Shockingly coincidental. Shockingly confirming for me what my friend had told me about people crossing each other's minds simultaneously.

Also, last but not least, shocking that she was the type to reach out and make an effort before the man.

To some extent, I should have known that it could be the case. Because giving your phone to someone to put their number in can result in one of 2 things.

They could casually just put their number in and let you do the rest. Or they could put their number and name in then hit save and hit call until their phone rings and hand you back your phone as Veronica did. And I was none the wiser as for some reason we are living in a time were most people leave their phones on silent.

Plus her move as yet to be addressed by the masses or ones peers as a violation of the street's code of conduct. Why would it?

Especially when you could just block the number if you have a change of heart. Then there's the risk of the private number pest, which makes no sense because the way I see it, only desperate or nosey people answer private number calls, so either way they deserve each other.

But I was more than happy she broke the ice because I could remain in my comfort zone and let her continue the pace she set for herself.

We got to know each other that night through generic banter, back and forth text flying in and out our iMessage. She even sent me her drivers license to confirm her age when she realised I was quite concerned even though I dropped it in there light-heartedly in order not to offend her.

I remember when I used to get asked consistently for ID when purchasing cigarettes or alcohol and being extremely annoyed by it until one shop owner pointed out a simple fact to me that some how always flew below my radar.

He said I should be happy and grateful I don't look my age. And just like that it dawned on me and from there on out, I took it as a compliment but women however never seemed to see it that way.

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