Chapter 2

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a/n: just an continuation from Part 1.

warnings: mention of sex, spanking, a little fluff, mentions of abuse.

You got into the car still holding the baby on your chest because you didn't want to wake her up. You sat in the back seat with Vinnie as Thomas got in the driver seat and Michael got in the passenger seat. On the car ride to the Hype house, you ended up falling asleep with your head on Vinnie's shoulder. He lifted his arm and put it behind your head and pulled you closer to him as he kissed your head. When you got to the Hype House, Vinnie lighty shook you, to not wake up Abby, "y/n wake up." you slowly opened your eyes and yawned looking at him, "You wanna sleep here or go home?"

"We can sleep here, that's fine." you nodded as he got out of the car and he helped you out as you were still holding a sleeping child. You followed him into the house and you walked up the stairs to his room. Vinnie walked into the kitchen to get a drink. When you walked into his room, you slowly laid Abby down on the bed, as you took off her shoes. You slowly rolled her over onto her stomach and pulled down her pants and underwear and looked at her butt as it was down a deep red, and you could see his handprint on her butt. You put her underwear and pants back on and put your head in your hands and started to cry again. You can't believe that he would actually do that to her. You started to get flashbacks from when he used to hit you and you started to cry uncontrollably. Vinnie walks into the room and sees you crying and he walks over to you and he gets on his knees in front of you and pulls you into a hug as you start to cry on his chest gripping onto his shirt, "He-He hit her so hard Vinnie! I-I have never hit her that hard be-before! I-I could see the fear in h-her eyes when he did to-that." you were sobbing into his chest as he rubbed your back, not caring that your tears were wetting his shirt. "An-And now, she is going to have a bruise on her bu-butt! This is all my fault! I-I should have just let her pl-play with the games! I shouldn't have told her no, but we needed to leave and I-I was getting mad at her! I-I.." Vinnie rubbed your back as you rambled on, "I don't think i ever saw her get so scared in her life! I had to protect her! I knew once he started he wouldn't stop! my poor baby!"

"Y/N it's okay. You don't need to justify his actions. He should not have hit her at all. You are her mother and you were trying to handle the situation and he didn't need to step in. it's not your fault, you told her no. She was being fussy today anyways because she didn't take a nap. It's not your fault y/n." he rubbed your back and kissed your head. You started to calm down a little at his words and his hand on your back. You pulled away from him as your mascara was running down your face and he wiped your face.

"I just...when he slapped me...all of those horrible memories that I pushed away, all came rushing back and i just...i didn't know what to do. i just sat there and thought, 'whatever happens next, i need to protect Abby.' Like why would he do that? I...I" you took a second to breathe before another rush of tears came to your eyes, "I need to go to court. I need to get full custody of her, so i can do whatever i want with her and he has no say in it. I want supervised visitations. I need to do this." you looked up at Vinnie as more tears ran down your face. he wiped them away and rubbed your cheek where tony slapped you.

"We can do that tomorrow y/n okay? let's just rest today and worry about that tomorrow. I'll even watch Abby tomorrow so you can go to the court okay? Me and her can have an Abby and Vinnie day okay?" he kisses the top of your head as you rested your head on his chest smiling a little. he was too good to you and Abby. sometimes you thought that maybe he was just messing you and saying he liked kids just to get you to date him, but today proved a lot. proved that he really did care about Abby. more than Tony ever can. He treated her so much better than Tony.

"Can you cuddle with us?" you sniffled and looked up at him as he smiled

"Of course I can." he got up and took off his shoes and shirt. You stood up and took off your shoes and jeans. You got into bed behind Abby laying on your side as you wrapped your arms around her pulling her to your chest as she slept. Vinnie got into bed behind you and cuddled you close to him , wrapping his arms around you and Abby, "How does your cheek feel?" He kissed your head.

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