Chapter 4

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a/n: sorry about the last part, but i had to keep you guys engaged in the story okay?

warnings: oral(female receiving), love making sex, very passionate sex, i think i went a little too far with the detail in this but whatever, enjoy!:)

"Starting today, April 20, 2021, I am granting full custody in which this person has all rights over the child to..." She looks up at both you and Tony, as you are at the edge of your seat, you leg shaking as you stare at you. She turns her head to you and smiles, "...Y/N Petrou. All rights over Abigail are fully yours and as for you Tony Oliver," She turns her head to him, "You will have visitation rights, as we agreed on before, you have the right to see your daughter, every other weekend. They will be supervised visits, meaning either Ms. Petrou herself or any member of her family is to be present while you visiting your daughter. Failure to meet these requirements, will result in immediate jail time for you. You are to pay Ms. Petrou a total of $500 a month in child support, failure to pay, will result in immediate jail time. That is my verdict, this court is dismissed. Ms. Petrou, you can take your daughter home now." She banged her gavel as she got up and left the courtroom.

You got up from your chair and ran over to Abby as she ran to you. You picked her up and hugged her tightly holding her close to you as you cried. She hugged you back crying. Vinnie got up and walked over to you and pulled you both into a hug as he kissed your head and hers. You turned your head to him and grabbed him by his neck pulling him in a tender kiss. He kissed you back and pulled away resting his forehead against yours. He wiped your tears away and smiled, "You did it baby." he whispered as he kissed your forehead.


After court, you dropped off Thomas at the Hype House and you, Vinnie and Abby went back to your apartment. Gigi was at work so you had the apartment to yourselves for the night. You walked into the apartment carrying Abby as she fell asleep in the car ride. You walked to her room and laid her down on her bed, taking off her shoes and pulling the covers over her. You kissed her head and walked out of the room shutting the door softly. You walked back into the living room, Vinnie was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. You sat down next to him and cuddled his side. He put his phone down and wrapped his arm around your waist smiling, "We finally got our princess back home."

"Yes we did. I can finally sleep now." you smiled and got up sitting on his lap resting your head on his chest. You wrapped your arms around his torso as he rubbed your back.

"You did so good today y/n. Im so proud of you for sticking up for yourself and showing the judge that you do in fact deserve your child over that asshole. Im sorry you had to go through this, but at least now its over. You can do whatever you want and he has no say in it. We can finally go get her ears pierced like you want to. We can take that trip to Disney World now. We can even finally go visit my parents, who have been dying to meet her. I know we've only been together for almost a year, but it feels like a life time. You and Abby mean so much to me. I would do anything for you and her to be in my life forever. I know she's not my actual daughter, but i just feel like she is. She is the most sweetest, funniest kid ever. She has never caused me any problems and everyone loves her. At the end of the day, I just want you and her to be happy." He was rubbing your back the whole time he was talking. You let tears run down your face as you listened to him speak. You didnt deserve him, he was the most sweetest person ever. You sat up in his lap and wiped your tears away. You grabbed him by neck and leaned in kissing him passionately. He kissed you back putting his hands on your hips. Its been a two weeks since you and him have done anything sexual. You were so stressed out this court hearing, that you barely even kissed half the time. He swiped his tongue across your lip as you opened your mouth. He slid his tongue into you mouth battling with yours. You started to grind your hips down slowly as your ass moves against his crotch. You can feel him get hard underneath you. You pulled away first, his lips going straight to your neck kissing and sucking on your soft spots. You threw your head back moaning biting your lip. He slid his hands over your shirt and pulled it off of you throwing it to the side. He started to kiss your chest as he unclips your bra pulling it off as well. He grabbed one of your tits licking and sucking on your nipple while twisting and pinching the other. You moaned putting your hands in his hair. He switched nipples doing the same to the other one. "Vinnie please." you moaned throwing your head back.

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