For LoveStarHyerin~ Don't stress, AU, you're pure gold... Precious <3
This is really short XD I wrote it on the train heh ^-^
You stood uncomfortably in the corner of the train, as more people squished onto the carriage.
The doors eventually closed, and the train took a sluggish lurch. You winced as someone pressed you further into the wall.
'Oh my, sorry!' The-person-who-flattened-you-into-a-pancake squeaked, moving away so he could give you some space.
'Yeah, yeah it's alright,' you grumbled in reply, before you looked up.
Ooh. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to grumble at a cute guy. You smiled a little nervously, hoping he wouldn't think you were bipolar from the sudden change of mood.
Luckily he seemed to skim straight over that idea and grinned back, a cute, curved, heart-shaped smile.
'Wow you have a really adorable mouth,' you murmured under your breath as you gazed at his features.
'And you have a really adorable expression,' the guy murmured back, loud enough for you to hear.
You jumped. 'Hey. Don't tease.'
'It's true though. Your name, please?'
'AU,' you said, giggling at his wide-eyed, bemused look.
'Well alright, precious AU.'
'What's yours?'
You thought of the spelling and an amused smile crept over your face. 'The spelling fits your large eyes. You know, DO looks like two huge eyes.'
'Sure, AU.'
The train slowed to a halt and DO glanced at the opening doors with disappointment.
'Well that's my stop.' he said.
'Mm, okay bye...' you answered, pouting.
DO smirked. 'You'll miss me, AU, won't you?'
'I won't!'
'Oh alright then,' he said, blowing a kiss and then disappearing away.
You pouted a bit more. Really? He just left? You sniffed in annoyance and turned away. Fine, be that way.
It was an uncomfortable morning, and people were cramming themselves onto the train like sardines in a can.
Two arms snaked around your waist and a sweet voice sounded by your ear.
'Missed me?'
Haha I'll end it there... Unless... XD
Vote, comment! Till next time :)