3/12 with Chen!
"Why are we in Hawae?"
"It's Hawaii, Chen. Honestly." ___ points at the wooden signpost with Hawaii carved into it.
"Hawae," he says in that high-pitched complaining tone when he won't admit he's wrong. "What the hell is Ha-wah-eee?"
"The name of the land you're standing on."
"I came here for a holiday, to see new sights and hear new sounds- not to hear you two jabbering in the background over what Hawaii's pronunciation is," Suho mutters sadly, as he follows the group with his cooler and 100 bottles of sunscreen.
"Did you hear what Suho's English marks were like back in school?"
"Yah I didn't come here for you to discuss my level of education..."
Sehun and Kai are already posing in the water.
"Hey Soo," Sehun hollers. "I caught you in the background and now I'm going to post it everywhere and make everyone think you and I-"
"You make me sound like a damn Pokémon," Kyungsoo grumbles.
"You could be," Kai says, smirking. "How about Dinosoo?"
"I thought I was supposed to be the dinosaur..." Chen says.
"You are. Doesn't mean Dinosoo can't be one too!" ___ says brightly, her smile a mile wide.
"___... Watch out."
The angry little Pokémon charges at her, nimbly sweeps her up into his arms and rushes towards the sea again. She squeals before he dumps her face-first into the ocean.
"___! I shall come save you!"
Chen hurls himself into the clear turquoise waters. By then, ___ has already re-surfaced.
She watches with some amusement as he swims around, looking for her. When he passes her, she smacks him on the head, probably causing him to probably swallow a few mouthfuls of sea water in the process.
"___! You didn't drown!"
"Very funny. You almost did."
"You scared me! Let's go eat ice-cream."
"Let's bring Dinosoo with us."
Chen sighs. "You never learn, ___."
"Watch it!"
"Sorry Dinosoo... oops!"
Kyungsoo frowns disapprovingly.
"I want ice cream too!" Sehun and Kai chorus as they waddle out of the water, thoroughly dripping, shirtless and much like a pair of excitable puppies.
___ whistles appreciatively at them.
Chen mutters in the background. Sehun sports a light blush and Kai poses provocatively with a stupid eyebrow wiggle.