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-Winter POV-

I'm at the cafeteria right now seems like it's full of students already.

I order some food to eat 1 sandwich and 1 strawberry milk. After I order, I found a vacant table at the corner and started to walk to go there, as I already settled at the table I started eating my sandwich then suddenly someone speak.

"Hi, may I sit here?" She uttered, and smile at me.

"Yes, you may!" I answered back and smile at her also.

She reaches her hand and says "I'm Aeri Uchinaga" i accept and shakes her hand and says " Kim MinJeong".

"I know" she said and smiled happily.
I look at her confused at how did she knows me? "I'm also taking up business administration we're basically classmates" she added.

"Ah" I said so plainfully.

"Actually, I'm about to talk to you earlier at the class after prof. Junmyeon dismissed us, but I got shy suddenly and now that I saw you here alone I master a lot of my courage to get here" Aeri says and chuckled awkwardly.

"But why are you shy at me?" I said and also laugh at the thought of someone getting shy of approaching me.

"It's just that you're so gorgeous and at the same time you're so cutie that's why I got shy at you suddenly." She honestly utter shyly and laugh.

I also laugh at what she said, I didn't know that I can feel much comfortable to someone who's almost confessing her heart out and being so straight forward but still shy. I think that we can be friends or bestfriends rather, I can tell that she's also pretty she has a soft flawless skin too.

I smiled at her and says "Hey Aeri, from now on you'll be my bestie and if that's okay with you."

"Really???! Of course it's really okay with me who am I too turn down a goddess offer though". She tease and I can see her excitement when I said that to her.

My heart jump a little when someone put a tray at the vacant space of our table. When i look up who's the culprit is, Karina? I saw her rolled her eyes at Aeri and so Aeri Glared at her back. Are they close or enemy?? I thought. But still I was just looking at her and suddenly another girl came, a cute red hair girl. And she's talking to me.

"Can we have a seat here? The cafeteria is already full we can't find an extra table and though we're classmate also. MinJeong right I'm Ningning by the way?"

"Yes you can sit here" I said and I saw Karina smiled happily after that and sits at the available seat besides me while Ning Ning sits besides Aeri and we started eating.

Jimin look at me and say"Who is she?" and pointed out Aeri with her fork.

"Why are you so mean? Don't point her with the fork, And she's Aeri Uchinaga my bestfriend" and I look at Aeri she smiled happily and stares at me, I glance back to Karina who is now staring at me too I can see hurt in her eyes.

"Bestfriend? For how long? I thought you're a transferry student?" Karina muttered.

"Today, just a minutes ago, and yes I'm a transferry student does it even matter for having a bestfriend? And why are you asking me a lot of questions? "

She was shocked and saddened

"Nothing, I'm sorry for acting up like this and Aeri Uchinaga right? I'm sorry too i didn't know that-". She said but Ning interrupt her and look at Aeri too and says " hi Aeri, I'm Ning Yi Zhuo and she's my bestfriend Yu Jimin she's on her period right now that's why she's acting up like that sorry on her behalf also".

"It's okay and nice to meet you to the both of you". Aeri says and smiled at them.

"So, Minjeong what school have you been into before you transferred here?" Ning says while smiling at me.

The three of them are now staring at me. I hate this kind of situation I don't want anyone to stare at me because it's like they are judging me. But I don't have a choice I'm pretty and I know it.

"Well, I came from Busan Univ."

"Uhh-" Aeri says

"But why did you transfer here? Karina muttered excitingly while eating her last spoon piece of lasagna

Why this girl is so weird she really have a mood swings, oh yeah right it's normal because she's on her period Minjeong thought

"Actually my father owned a restaurants, 1 from Busan and 1 from here seoul and he said that I should help him sometime if actually needed because he's so busy to go from branch to branch monitoring he can't handle the restaurant here by himself coz he need to monitor the other one from Busan too. "

They were just listening to me and amused to what I said.

"We should go now it's about time for our next class" I said and started to move out from my seat. They also stands and Started walking.

While we were walking to the exit of the cafeteria I was startled when someone hug my arm it's Karina. She look at me and smiled showing her white teeth. I was taken aback coz I don't really like skinships, even my childhood friend in Busan knows that I don't do skinships not unless if it's really needed like when I need to comfort someone when they are crying.

I shoved her arm away and started fastening my pace towards the next classroom. They just followed me.
As I was already sitting in one of the chair in the corner
I saw them entering the room. The first one who enter is Aeri followed by the two behind. Aeri look at me and she's about to sit beside me, I smiled at her and then glance back to the two other girls

my eyes landed to Karina who is now running and pushing Aeri aside and then sits beside me, she look at me and smiling like an idiot.

Aeri on the other hand was catched by Ningning's arm. Aeri Glared at Karina but Karina is just staring at me and it's really creeps me out.

Then Aeri and NingNing sat behind us.
I look at Karina who's still staring at me adorably.

"Will you just please stop staring at me!" I said coldly.

"I don't want to, I really like your puppy gorgeous face, I hope I can be pretty like you too." She uttered and still smiling happily

I sighed and look at her again and said
"You're are really not pretty?
She pout and disappointed.

Aeri and NingNing were smirking and snort behind us maybe they heard what I said.

Karina lowers her head and she stop staring at me.

I move closer to her and said
"You're not pretty coz you're hella Gorgeous" and move back away.
She look at me and I smiled at her.

I saw her face is getting red and she looks away quickly. I find her adorable at that time and felt happy seeing her like that but still she's creepy for me coz she's weird.

To be continued--



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