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Karina has already came home, the smile on her face still lingers visibly because of the great joy she feels towards the girl she love. She was a fool again, rolling on her bed and squealing uncontrollably, she does it for an hour now since minjeong left.

She sat up on her bed, getting her phone at the table besides her bed and started to message her bestfriend

Jimin: Ninggggggggggggggg! 😊😊😊😊

Ning-ie: Hey, looks like your happy, having so much fun today?

Jimin: YES! Ning ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

Ning-ie: So? Spill it girl 🤔

Jimin: Minjeong said YES!! 🤭❤️❤️😍😍

Ning-ie: Whatttt, really?? So are you two already official?? Congrats Jimin-ah, I'm happy for you 🥺🥳🥳

Jimin: No, not yet official 🥺😔, but she agreed that I can court her 😁😁😍😍

Ning-ie: What?? Do you even know what you've asked? 😤

Jimin: that's why, I chatted you to ask how to court? Coz I don't have any idea Ning! Help me this please 🥺🥺😟🙃

Ning-ie: Just Google it jimin-ah, you freaking idiot! 😤

Jimin: ohhhh! You're right 😂😅, thank you Ning 🙃🙃🙃

Ning-ie: Jimin-ah are you really sure of that???

Jimin: what do you mean? 🤨

Ning-ie: I'm just saying that were you really like her?

Jimin: not just liking her Ning! I've already fallin' for her, I love her, no doubt! 🥺🥺🥺

Ning-ie: hope you'll be fine after all these!!

Jimin: I will be, don't worry.. I will accept whatever it may come.. whether we will be or not, atleast I'd tried right? 🙂

Ning-ie: whatever it will be, I'll be here for you jimin-ah 🙂🙂😉

Jimin: Thank you Ning 🥺🙂

Jimin went to Google and started Searching

Google: How to court a girl?

Tips on how to approach and win a girl

1. Be consistent

This might sound cliché but some of the most profound ideas are hidden behind the word cliché. What it means when we say be consistent is that the character you display should not be a fluid concept, if today you are an honest person who is decided about what they want, do not be a lying indecisive person the next day and back again. Have a consistent character and personality, this way, the girl you are courting will easily be confident in the kind of person you are and, in that way, trusting you becomes easier.

2. Respect her

This is another over-used and somewhat washed out concept for many. Respecting her means ensuring that your actions do not degrade her position on any matter. When for example you talk to her ensure that it is considerate and respectful and not based on a preformed concept of how she should be treated. She is as intelligent and socially aware as you so do not assume anything goes over her head. Respect also overlaps with chivalry, open doors for her and pull chairs on dates, not that it matters but some of the little things do count. Also, remember not to mansplain, it is a sign that you do not think she is as smart as you are.

3. Be kind

Kindness means exactly what you think it does, being friendly and caring. Kindness whether to strangers, to her friends or to her is something you must show. It is the only way you can show her that you care without being too overbearing. girls will appreciate you more if you make the lives of those you interact with that much easier. Kindness is also a precursor of love, a measure of how tender you can be without losing your pride. You can show kindness in many ways, a thank you to a waitress or a simple hello to the guard at the door; subtle things that speak volumes.

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