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Karina POV

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked taking a breathe, heads still leaning in Minjeong's forehead

Minjeong smiled at her and cupped Karina's face, rubbing the latter's cheeks by her thumb.

They both looked in each others eyes

"What do you think?" Minjeong tease
"of course it's a YES" she added and flashes her gummy smile

Karina smile wider than ever, eyes are teary with joy

"I love you Minjeong-ah, I really really really really really.... Love you and I will love you Forever"

Heart bursting with joy, then she wrapped her arms at minjeong's waist, she lift her up and she started spinning around with her girl hugging her tightly.

The both of them are chuckling together,
Minjeong tapped Karina's back because she's getting dizzy right now.

"Karina, put me down"

She put her down and hugged her as tight as she can afraid that she might lost her anytime.

After a few minutes Minjeong pulled away from the hug and said.

"Let's go?"


"We need to go home Karina it's getting late"

"Can we just not go home yet?"


"I still want to spend time with you, I miss you minjeong-ah how many years have we separated it feels like forever" Karina exaggeratedly says, lips pouting

Minjeong Laugh loudly adoring the girl infront of her

"It's been a week Karina not a years but It's not my fault though, you keep ignoring me those past few days" she said

Karina pouted more, she knew that it's her own fault

"I'm sorry" she said sadly, thinking that she shouldn't act coward those times.

"Hey, it's okay" Minjeong assured her
But karina looks like she's going to cry anytime.

"Okay fine, where do you want to go?" Minjeong ask so Karina won't cry anymore.

Karina Look at her, grabbed Minjeong's left hand and intertwined it with her as she's wearing a genuine smile again.

Her left hand was also holding Minjeong's left arm,
holding her girl as closer as she can

"Let's have our first date" she said while smirking

Then pulled Minjeong towards her car.

She opened the door of passenger seat, she place her right hand above to secure Minjeong's head not to bump if ever.

As Minjeong seated, Karina lean forward to buckle Minjeong's seatbelt.

The latter was fluttered towards her girlfriend's gentleness.

"Thank you" minjeong mouthed to Karina who's still in her proximity

Karina smirked then she accidentally landed her gaze at minjeong lips,

She thought of their kissed earlier pop up in her mind,

The thought of how soft minjeong's lips.

The thought of how sweet minjeong's lips.

The thought of how she wants more of it

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