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-Winter POV-

The game already ended the seniors won the game by 2points ahead of us.

When we were at the bench with other newbies someone approach me.

"Hey Kim Minjeong right?" The girl said and flashes her genuine smile.

"Yes, and your name is? sorry if I didn't know your name even though we played together in the game" Minjeong says.

"Oh, I'm Shin Ryujin, instead of saying nice to meet you, should I just say nice playing with you- I mean in the game haha?" while laughing alittle, and then stretch her hands for a handshake.

It took Minjeong a little while to accept Ryujin's hand. Then she immediately shake it for a second and pulled out quickly then smiled at her.

Ryujin got confused of the certain actions of Minjeong. So the latter notice it too.

"Oh, sorry if I offended you it's just that I don't do skinships" Minjeong uttered.

"Ahh, that's why you're always at the back of us when we're cheering up when have a points."

"Yes, Sorry for that"

"No, it's okay you can get through it from time to time it's not a big deal though we can help you with that"

"Haha I hope so-" Minjeong says but interrupted and she flinched by someone who's arm is in her shoulder. She quickly get off the arm out of her and distance herself to Yeji who's the owner of the arm.

"Heyyy, am I dirty? Minjeong" Yeji says.

"Ah no no you're not dirty Cap., Minjeong just don't like skinships." Ryujin says then look at Minjeong who's awkwardly standing beside her.

"Ohhh, okay Ms.Sensitive MVP" Yeji tease, and minjeong frowned
"Just kidding" Yeji added quickly.

Yeji then get the attentions of other newbies for some announcement

"So I am here to Congratulate you all,
you guys are now part of the team" Yeji cheerfully uttered

The newbies were really happy for that announcement and hugging , jumping and congratulating each other.
Ryujin and Yeji congratulates Minjeong and the others.

Ningning on the hand went to where Minjeong was, and about to hug her too but stopped by the two girls who knows about Minjeong's condition.
Ningning frowned and confused about that actions. So that Ryujin again talk about Minjeong's condition. And then Ningning saddened and disappointed of the thought that they can't give or take some affections to Minjeong.

It's become awkward after that. Then Yeji intended to broke the awkwardness so she says. "Do you guys like to have some coffee or drinks? I saw a new opening café near here, don't worry it's my treat"

Ryujin says Yes and Ningning declined the offer coz she's already tired now and she need to freshen up.

Minjeong on the other hand is contemplating to accept the offer or not. But she thought that she made that situation earlier so she just also accepted the offer.

"So let's go?" Yeji happily blurted out.

"Wait, I'll just say my goodbyes to my friends" Minjeong says.

"Okay, will just wait for you outside the gym" Yeji says then walk outside the gym then Ryujin follows.

Ningning went back to get her things but She told Minjeong to go first, and go to where Karina and Aeri were, to bid her goodbye and that's what she did.

Minjeong is walking towards the two girls on the bleachers, she called their names and wave her hands but the two didn't notice her. When she's almost near of the two, she noticed that they are arguing and fighting words to each other, and then she stopped to where she was. She's just 5 ft away from them.

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