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She can't stop crying while walking towards the parking lot where she park her car earlier.

Her tears flows rapidly, she almost choked from stifling hard. It breaks her heart a million times, she doesn't want this, she doesn't want to let Minjeong go, she doesn't want to give up but a part of her was already tired of waiting for Minjeong's affection.

Now that she found out from Minjeong's mouth that the guy she loves before was with her earlier and knowing that Minjeong forgot her because of him,
it makes her jealous-ass strike harder into her ego.

She loves Minjeong so much but she can't let her self fell in love deeply to minjeong she's afraid that the girl might ended up one day hurting her more, that Minjeong might choose the guy and leave her broken and totally wrecked. so she decided to give up now before that time comes.

She can't fight her feelings for her anymore knowing that his rival is Minjeong's first love.

She let herself being coward right now, she's really afraid and really can't fight her feelings, her anger, her jealousy and her ego are things thats making her weak right now... 'reality strike'

When she was already inside her car,
she let her tears flows down, out to the fullest and stifled harder than ever, she screams Minjeong's name repeatedly,

Minjeong-ah !!


It really hurts so much!

Why am I feeling this way.

I don't want this Minjeong-ah

I'm so sorry ,

I'm sorry Mindoongie

she screams how sorry she is that she can't fight for her anymore, she keeps punching her chest out again and again coz it pains her too much, that it starting to makes her suffocated more.

Thinking Minjeong can't be with her anymore she can't breathe properly right now she's totally wrecked inside. The tears that brimming in her face makes her more wrecked outside too.

She keeps sobbing inside her car, she wanted to go back to where Minjeong is.. but she's afraid that maybe if she comes back there the girl might be nowhere again and maybe, just maybe Minjeong doesn't care about her from the first place. She was so coward right now

After a few hours she was now making her way towards her bed she doesn't even know how she get there alive knowing the states she has earlier at the park.

She plopped her back at the bed and stared at the ceiling, her tears flows again in each side of her eyes. She clenched her heart coz she's feeling numb right now and it really hurts so much being numb.

But she still keeps thinking about Minjeong, she's still worried at Minjeong, she questions herself if Minjeong got in her own home too safely.

She closed her eyes and slowly drifted she was so tired from crying her feelings out and her eyes felt so heavy.

On the other hand Minjeong was still there in the park, crying for hours now.

Lots of concerned people ask her of why she's crying but Minjeong didn't budge to everyone who asked her and didn't even say any single word to them.

She just cry and cry and cry and waiting for Karina.

She's thinking that maybe Karina change her mind and come back at her in her position earlier, and Karina might listen to what she was about to tell, that maybe Karina will give her a chance to say what she feels for her, that maybe Karina listened and the two of them will be together again, so she doesn't even bother to move any single motions but the time goes by and there's nowhere Karina's found, she's feeling hopeless there's no tears flowing in her face maybe it was because she brimmed it all out earlier for crying straight in 4hours.

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