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It's been Months since Karina courting Minjeong and up until now she's still on the go, she always give her best time for Minjeong.

First thing in the morning Karina immediately went to fetch her phone beside her bed table, she scrolled through her contact list dialed Minjeong's number

*Ring Ring Ring

"Hello" Minjeong answered the phone yawning it's still early in a Saturday morning

"Good morning Mindoongie" Karina cheerfully uttered In the opposite line

"Good morning too Karina but why are you calling me right now, it's still early?" Minjeong asked calmly, her eyes still closed and still laying in her bed.

"I miss you already" Karina said straight ahead

Minjeong smiled at what she heard and answered the girl immediately
"You know that you have been seen me last night right? It wasn't even 24hours pass yet but still you're here saying that you miss me already?"

She can't help but be flattered by Karina everyday the girl is always sweet and caring towards her and is really understanding everytime.. though she kinda felt that Karina is kinda possessive and just wants her attention always at her and one of the the trait that Minjeong don't like about Karina is her being jealous-ass the whole time. But sometimes Minjeong also understand Karina's feeling so she was really honest with her everytime to be fair with her and explain everything for her.

Karina doesn't like when Minjeong is always busy in her practice and the thing that Yeji is always talking with Minjeong every single time. But Karina understand it coz yeji is the captain of the team. Karina is always waiting for winter to finish their practice and she always treat Minjeong for foods after that and minjeong felt that she's really comfortable and really used being with Karina or having Karina in her side everyday and she felt her heart flattered everytime Karina was always the first person she saw everyday when she comes out from her house coz Karina has already her car, her dad gave her a car and she always picked Minjeong up in the morning and both of them went to school together almost every day and Minjeong is really fallin' for Karina's persistency and to her great antics without her knowing it.

"I just want to see you everytime Mindoongie and I can't help it .. I always miss you every second, every minute, every hour" Karina said like a child while pouting on the other side

Minjeong giggles and her heart swells every time Karina do that

"So Mindoongie can I hang out in your place today?" Karina said softly

"Hmmm, no you can't" Minjeong said and   started to look for the time and it's still 5 fucking A.M

"But whyyyyyy ?? are you busy??" Karina whined

"No.... Coz I'm thinking we should both hang out, outdoor and I have something to tell you in person too later" Minjeong uttered

"What is it?? You can tell it to me right now" Karina said curiously

"No, I'll tell it to you later when we meet already"

"Okay, what time shall we meet? can we meet now, as in right now." Karina said excitedly "And where shall we meet hmm-?"

"Hey Easy!.... Let's meet up later and I'll text you the place later and for now let me have some sleep.. please" she said beggin'

Karina sighed*

"Okay baby have more sleep and see you later" Karina said and hanged up her phone without knowing what she calls Minjeong earlier

On the other hand Minjeong was fully awaken instantly because of the endearment Karina called to her earlier before she hangs up the phone. Butterflies in her stomach and a thumping in her chest she blushed at the thought when karina called her Baby. And she squeals inside her comforter.

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