Chapter 6:

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The next day, we went for a run, eat lunch then headed to my work. There was a private party at the bar today starting at 2pm. So, we headed in. Once we got there, we walked up to the bar. It was quite busy, there was at least thirty people here.

"Hey? You're not working yet?" Izzy smiled as we walked up to the bar.

"Yeah, I know. Is June in?" I smiled.

"Yeah, she's out back." Izzy replied.

"Thanks. Mind if she stay's here while I go back and see June?" I asked pointing to Althea.

"Yeah sure." Izzy smiled as Althea sat down at the bar.

"Thanks" I said as I walked past the bar, to the office.

"Come in" June said as I knocked on the door.

"Hey. June" I smiled as I walked in.

The office was quite big, there was a large window behind the desk, in front of the window June was sitting behind a large wooden desk with a computer on it. In front of the desk there was two large chairs. There was also filling cabinets and posters everywhere.

"Lara? What are you doing here?" She asked as I sat down in front of her.

"I needed to talk to you."

"Is everything ok?"

"Look. I love working here, and your great but I can't work here anymore. I need to quit. Now I know we need a month's notice so you can find someone to take over, but I know someone who looking for a job and I've talked to them and their willing to start. So?"

"Is everything ok Lara? I know you have trouble with your family? You can talk to me. What's going on? Are you safe?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine. I'm good. I promise. Just need to move on and start a fresh. My family knows where I am, they contacted me. So, I need to get away before they come here."

"Huh" she sighed "Ok. You're lucky I like you, Lara. This girl can I get her name and number? I'll contact her and see if she can come in for an interview. When do you need to leave and do you me to do anything? I know your family isn't the nicest and you don't have a great relationship with them?"

"No. Honestly, its fine June, thank you but I just need to get away. I feel bad that I'm throwing it on you, but I don't have choice. Honestly, I can't come in tonight. I'm leaving tonight, but I can give you her number and you can call her. I'm sure she will come in tonight."

"Huh. Ok. Lara that's fine. How do you know her?"

"Sarah, she lives in the same flat building as me, she's twenty-eight and she's worked at a bar before, but she got pregnant now she has now two twin girls there both five and at school so she's looking for a job."

"Ok. Can I get her number and I'll call her?"

"Sure. Please take care of yourself Lara."

A few hours past, she called Sarah and sorted things out and we sorted out me leaving. So, it all worked out. After everything was sorted. I said goodbye to June and Izzy and me and Althea left.

The rest of the week was pretty boring. We packed up all flat, told my landlord I was leaving, cut of my internet, gas and electric and said goodbye to my very few friends from work and my neighbours. It actual didn't take me that long. I don't want to bore you with the details.

On Sunday, me, and Althea were sitting in the lounge waiting on Luke. Everything was packed up and ready to go. I had one large black fabric four wheeled suitcase. A large back duffle bag and a brown leather bag-pack.

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