Chapter 8:

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At 7:30am the front door opened and Althea, Luke and two others walked in. One of them was a men. He looked about twenty-two years old. He was around 6ft 2 and muscly. He had deep blue eyes and short messy brown hair. He had a straight line and was quite attractive. He was wearing black trousers, trainers, and a grey top.

The other was a girl. She looked around twenty-one. She was 5ft 6 with an hourglass figure. She had hazel eyes and long wavy blond hair and unbelievable gorgeous. She was wearing a knee length light blue floral dress with trainers on.

They all stood there staring at me all with different reactions. Luke was stunned, he didn't know what he was looking at. His jaw dropped. I could see fear and panic in his eyes.

Althea on the other hand looked quite impressed; she was smiling and had this strange look in her eyes. I think she was a little turned on. It was a strange reaction.

The other girl looked petrified. She was looking at me like I was a fucking psychopath. Her hands were shaking, and her eyes were fixed on me. Not moving just staring.

The guy well that was ever more confusing his face kept on changing from being impressed to being in shock. He kept on looking at me then at Johns body then back at Luke. I don't think he knew what to do.

I hadn't moved since Harriet left. I was sitting on the floor covered in blood beside his body with Luna sitting on the coffee table beside me, so their reactions was expected.

"L...L...Lara? What the fuck!?" Luke snapped.

"What?" I smiled.

"What have you done? Where is Harriet? What did you do?" Luke said with fear and worry in his voice.

"I'm here Luke. I'm ok. She saved me" Harriet smiled as she walked down the stairs and over to him.

"What happened?" Luke snapped.

"He attacked her. I stopped it. Simple" I smiled as I stood up.

"Lara he is covered in cuts and slash marks. His familiar is dead. What happened?! Why would you do that? Why be so violent? Why."

"WHY?!" I shouted cutting him of. "He's a narcissistic, arrogant, rapist piece of shit. He's fucking lucky that's all I did. He deserved a hell of a lot more than that Luke. Don't look so fucking surprised. I did warn you and say I wasn't exactly princess material." I smirked.

"Excuse me?" Luke asked.

"She's telling the truth!" Harriet shouted. "Why do you think I divorced him. He's a mean drunk. He used to beat and rape me all the time. He was attacking me. She saved me. Don't get pissed at her." Harriet said with tears and pain in her eyes.

"Jesus Harriet why didn't you tell me? And Lara how did you know he was a rapist?" Luke asked.

"Because she was scared Luke. He abused he what do you except and I know because he raped me. I was fourteen. I'm not lying and I sure as shit am not going to apologise. I don't regret it, he deserved it." I snapped.

"Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry to both of you and I'm not expecting you to apologise. However. You can't just kill people Lara. I mean Jesus fuck I can see his bones. You slashed him to fuck.

Now I'm not disputing the fact that he deserved it all I'm saying is. What the fuck! Why couldn't you just have knocked him out? I mean the who the fuck is going to clean up this mess huh?" Luke shouted.

"Good and no, he deserved it. Honestly, I blacked out but even if I didn't, I still would have killed him, and I'll clean it up If that much of a hassle."

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