Chapter 7:

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We arrived at the portal soon after, when we got out the car Luke and I grabbed my bags and we headed to the portal and as advertised it was between two oak trees. Althea cut her hand and bleed in between the trees.

As she did these flashes of colours appeared and started forming a circle. The middle of the circle started to fade, and I could start to see something through it. I could see this small cottage surrounded by trees and flowers. It was stunning.

"Let's go" Luke smiled as he ushered me through.

"Huh. Ok" I sighed.

The three of us walked through the portal and it soon closed behind us. I could smell the freshness, of the trees and flowers. The sky was bright blue with the sun shining brightly though the three, unluck back home. It was a cloudy day but not here.

You could hear the birds singing though the trees, it was calming. Honestly, for the first time in a long time I felt at home. I just arrived here and yet it felt safe, a place where I could be me. It was this strange feeling. Something I've never felt before.

"Feel it yet?" Luke smiled.

"What?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"You've never been here before. You've never used your powers before. Coming here for the first time it releases something inside us. Our magic. It sort of sets us free. Your safe here. You will soon see that" Luke smiled.

"So, what now?" I sighed.

"Were miles away from the castle. At least a twelve walk or a six-hour horse ride. We have horses in the stables out back."

"Who's place is this?" I asked cutting him of.

"An old friend. He likes the peace and quiet and likes to be alone. He's a great warrior and likes to keep himself busy so he lives out here away from everyone, but he's always up for helping me anytime I need him. I saved his life more than once, so he owes me." Luke laughed.

"So, what we're going on his horses and riding them into town" I laughed.

"Yes." Luke said with a straight face.

"I don't know how to ride a horse. I've never ridden a horse before." I snapped.

"You can ride with me." Althea smiled.

"What about me bags?" I asked.

"My horse will be pulling a cart; we can put your stuff on that. My horse will also be carrying camping stuff. As we will to rest at some point." Luke smiled.

"Uhh" I sighed. "Fine. Let's meet your friend and horses then" I smiled.

"Let's go. Now he doesn't trust strangers. So, he might be a bit of with you" Luke smiled.

"Fine lets go." I said.

Luke then lead the way along a stone path to the small cottage. It was made of brick with flowers wrapping itself around the house, with a long-slanted roof. It was quite stunning.

The place was quite you couldn't see anything for miles. To the left of the cottage, you could see the stables. It was large and wooden the front double doors were open and through the door I could make out six horses. Two were black, three were brown and one was white.

We walked forward and dropped my bags just outside stables. I walked in and headed up to one of the horses. She was gorgeous. Jet black, kind and so soft to the touch. As I was petting her, I heard a man walking over to us.

"Well, well, well. Long-time no see Luke and Althea." The man said with a deep and gravelly voice. There was something familiar about it.

"Good to see you old friend" Luke laughed.

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