41. eden's whore

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Adalina Salvatore

When someone knew your story they know you. And, they could hurt you. He knew me. Except I would let him hurt me in a heartbeat, a million times over.

It was the way he had power over me how he possessed me completely the way that I truly belonged to him and it all just felt right. He was my safe place and everything else.

" You're so pretty you know that? " I murmured, caressing his face with my thumb. " You can slash my throat with this jawline. "

His body shook beneath me as his chest risen up and down with laughter. I tilted my chin up to look at him. I saw his dimples first, poking in both cheeks. His sweet chuckles in my ears. I would kill to hear that for the rest of my life.

He shut his laptop closed and spun his chair around, to the whole city beneath the building. I leaned my head back on his chest as he ran his hand along my thigh. Deja vu slapped me across the face and heat creeped up my neck.

He had just fucked me senseless in this same place about twenty minutes ago.

" If I haven't thought of another way to shut you up, I would have slash your throat the moment you finished that sentence. " he took a strand of my hair and twirled it around his finger.

" You can shut me up when we get home. It's always the quiet one, isn't it? " I scoffed playfully.

" Have you thought about a career change? "

He placed his chin on top of my head, humming in quietly. " No. You took away all my thoughts and my sanity. "

I pretended I didn't hear the last part.

" You would make a great hooker. Or a porn star. But, Eden is such a saint name though. " I took his hand out of my hair and laced our fingers together.

" We will need to change your name. How do you feel about Bartholomew? " I asked, looking up at him.

He stared down at me like I was stupid, definitely unimpressed. " Adalina darling, that's a very shitty name. "

" Do you have a better name than that? " I rolled my eyes.

" How about Cameron? I would make a decent Cameron. " he shrugged his shoulders. I scrunched my face at him before shaking my head.

" Nah. Cameron is way too cool for you. You can't pull that off. "

He huffed then proceeded to ignore my existence. Adorable bastard.

" You make a perfect Eden though. I wouldn't change you for anything else. " I adjusted around his laps, pushing my body up to level with his face.

I planted my hand on the side of his face and kissed up his jaw. " Beside I wouldn't share you with anyone else. No hooker career for you. "

His lips curled up into the littlest smile I had ever seen on a person. Lifting his hand from my thigh, he brushed mine away from his face and intertwined our fingers together. He brought it to his mouth, placing a kiss on the inside of my wrist where I cut through my vein. " I wouldn't be with anyone else. "

I would kill for this boy.

I leaned forward, inches away from his mouth. His hot breath fanned my face as his eyes dropped to my lips. He let go of my hand and cupped the back of my neck.

The knocks on the door startled the shit out of me. I almost fell from his laps if it wasn't for the grip he held on my ass. It was good time for him to be a pervert I guessed.

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