45. we are endgame

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Eden Salvatore

I was one second away from starting a bloody massacre. I needed to see my fucking wife before I lost my goddamn mind. Fucking hell.

" I gave you one job. " I glared at Thane from the backseat of my family's slick black limo. Only my father was cocky enough to leave jail in a fucking fancy car.

My bodyguard groaned, looking back at me through the rear view mirror from the passenger seat. " She knocked me out with a damn frying pan and ran. "

She dropped a man twice her size, just when I thought she couldn't be anymore perfect. If there wasn't a possibility that she could be dying on the pool of her own blood right now I would have laughed, internally of course.

A thousand scenarios played inside my head for hours on end since we had been apart. I was almost tempted to kiss the historical shit hole ground the second the limo came to a stop. I stepped out of the car and that same ghostly air still lingered around the place, its cold wind sliced through my skin turning my vein into ice even when my blood was boiling with anger and irritation. I didn't wait for my family to follow me when I ran like hell through the tall opened gate, gun loaded and knife out.

The damn woman better be fucking alive and breathing or whoever ran hell would have to deal with me for taking her away without my permission.

I had never been more scared in my whole existence on this pathetic place. Not when I learned as a child how to kill in order to not be killed, not when I started examining and performing surgeries on corpses, not when they held me at a gunpoint. But, god the thought of never hearing her annoyingly beautiful voice or seeing her ridiculously pretty face again terrified the shit out of me. Cold shivers travelled down my spine at the idea of my possibly dead wife, lifeless and permanently shut up.

I analyzed about three hundred different ways to make the fuckers who touched her beg me to end their lives.

The palace was a fucking nightmare. Dreadful screams and sobs filled the place. People from different ranks were all over the place, panicking and losing their shit. It was then when I truly accepted the fact that the royals really did collapse and my wife was going to take the crown any day now. Jesus Christ.

I raked my fingers into my hair for the twentieth time since we arrived. I still had no idea where she was. Frustration no doubts was shown on my face while my anger kept building up by the passing minute. Whispers and gasps followed us every turns we took and every corridor we passed. They thought we killed their king and queen. They had no idea my family was the one who truly ran the country, not the royals. We didn't have a reason to kill them. I married into the family for god's sake and the mafia took the word family way more seriously than they ever could.

I physically shoved my way through the crowded place. Fucking peasants. Too many fucking people I didn't even want to see. I was this close to shooting every single one of them.

I needed to see her, touched her, listened to her heartbeat and felt her in my arms because I was about to fucking lose it.

" I'm so proud of you for losing your patience and sanity over your lovely wife but you need to calm the fuck down, son. " my father said beside me.

I took a deep breath as I rubbed my mouth in irritation, muttering back. " I am calm. "

He cocked an amused eyebrow at me. " Remember what I taught you. Anger makes you stupid and stupid get you killed. " he patted my back before flashing me knowing smirk.

" Welcome to the whipped club. "

I was about to banter back when a rough hand harshly grabbed my bicep, yanking me backward. I stumbled between my steps barely bumping into my sister in law who looked almost as pissed as I was. Her children were tucked away into a safe room with Ace, the most untrustworthy babysitter in the world. We didn't have time for distraction. The plan was to kill potential threats in our way, grab the princess and get the hell out.

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