Chapter One

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Up until I was a senior in high school, I always thought my house was normal. To me it was a normal blue three story house if you count the attic. There was a basement that all of us kids turned into an in house theater. Nothing seemed to be abnormal to me. So you could imagine the shock on my face when something happens.

I was up late studying for an exam when I heard a noise from down in the basement of the house. At first I thought it could have been one of the cars being messed with. So I just ignored it and went back to my studies. A few hours later the noise came back, this time it was louder than before.

"Hello? Is anyone down there?" I asked very loudly.

There was no answer, just noises. I thought maybe I was losing it from being up so late. I chose to pack up my books and head off to bed, as I laid in bed for hours before falling asleep, there was still that one thing that crossed my mind. What if the noises were stray animals that my little sister wanted as a pet? Honestly, I could not give a normal answer about that. Waking up the next morning I asked my mom about the noise.

"Mom, did you hear that noise last night?" I asked her.

"What noise sweetie?" she asked me.

"I kept hearing scratching noises from the basement," I answered back.

"Honey, it's a basement. It's full of random noises late at night," my mom said as if she knew something that I didn't.

After my morning exam, I took a small nap, hoping it would take my mind off the noises I kept hearing. Right outside my door I could hear my parents talking.

"Carl, she heard the noises," my mom said to my dad.

"She could have been mistaken," my dad answered back.

"No, she wasn't. It's only a matter of time before she figures out who she truly is," my mom said with a sad voice.

I laid there quietly waiting for them to leave. I got up, went to my desk, and began to study. Only this time the topic of choice is my big blue house. They said "I would soon figure out who I truly am". I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Online there were so many articles about my house.

There was one that stood out to me the most, it was from the year I was born. The article was about a young girl who was found alone in the house. Her family disappeared without a trace. She was left to be found by officers that same day. All the officers found was a note. For months after that random things would happen. The family showing up at random times. Each time it was different, as if they never left the house. Once a neighbor saw the family cry as they spoke softly. After this day no one ever saw them again. The article showed plenty of photos, they looked like a well loved family. Could my house hold the key to unlocking their disappearance?

Knowing I could not tell my mom about what I had just found, I began to look for more articles on the house. The papers for the baby girl that was left behind, anything on who the family was and where they went to all those years ago.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" my dad asked me.

"Yes, just doing research for a school paper is all," I answered back.

"Want to take a break?" he asked.

"Sure, I mean I can always go for a coffee right now," I said to him.

"I thought you might like one," he said, handing me a huge cup.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked my dad.

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