Super Shower Bros. Brawl

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{Jerome's POV}

I shoved Mitch playfully as we both went into our bedroom- I took off my shirt and laughed as Mitch chucked his at me.

"Whew! That paintball war was fun!"

"We surely kicked Poofless' ASS!" I cheered, I stopped stripping and high-fived my boyfriend's yellow painted hand.

After a long day of paintball fighting with Preston, Rob, and Mitch.. I knew that we both needed showers. Glancing back at Mitch, I saw that he was already only in his boxers- and at the same time, he threw his pants at me too.

"Clean those while I take a shower, babe."

I raised a eyebrow, dropping his clothes along with mine. "Excuse me? Gee I'm not cleaning your clothes. I'm not the bitch in this relationship."

He laughed.

"But, I'm older- stronger- and taller. That automatically makes you my bitch."

"That doesn't even make sense!" I fussed, raising my arms.

Mitch simply laughed again, shaking his head as he turned and started to walk to the bathroom.

I quickly got a idea in my head, and I rushed to take off my pants, and ran and chased Mitch, pushing him and pinning him against the wall so his chest was against it.

"You've been a bad boy~ And you know what we do to bad boys...?~"  I asked, grinding against his ass with my crotch.

I felt Mitch go tense around me, staring off to the side and trying to not moan.


"They get punished~" I let my teeth sink into his earlobe lightly, groaning in my head as I heard him moan weakly.

{Mitch's POV}

I let out a weak moan as Jerome nibbled my earlobe, a shudder going down my spine as I bucked my hips forward into the wall.

I suddenly opened my eyes as I got shoved to the side. I fell to my butt as I glanced up at a smirking Jerome, who waved down at me- then sprinted to the bathroom.

It took me a second to realize what happened, and I grunted- standing up and running to the bathroom.

I flung the closed bathroom open and stared at a naked Jerome, who looked back at me and had a blank expression.

My eyes widened again as Jerome pinned me against the wall (again), taking off my boxers and staring down at my erection before I started panting. He glanced up at me, scooting a bit forward and his tip rubbed against mine- even that made us both moan.

Jerome started to slowly nip at my collarbone and neck, leaving multiple hickies, and I choked out a moan, trying to think straight.

"Je-JerOoome..~" I stretched out as I moaned.


Jerome stopped instantly, looking at me with innocent eyes.

Hands trailed up and down my body, and I shivered at the cold touch.

"May-maybe we can...." I swallowed hard.

"Take a shower together..."

Jerome stopped completly. "Showering together..? That sounds... fun."   I bit my lip, hugging Jerome around his neck and loving the way he said 'fun'.

I pulled Jerome into the shower with me, turning on the water drain until it became warm; then turned on the shower, warm water hitting against my back as Jerome grabbed the wash cloth and rubbed my chest slowly with it.

I kissed the top of Jerome's head, then his forehead- and teased him by kissing right beside his lips, to which he frowned at, and turned my head to kiss me open mouthed on the lips. I did a muffled moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth, mine rubbing against his.

We stopped when kissing lost it's craving.

Jerome started to rather quickly kiss down my chest and kiss down my happy trail.

I leaned back against the tile wall and I looked up, closing my eyes and letting Jerome do most of the work.

{Jerome's POV}

I kissed down Mitch's length, and kitten licked his tip, slowly pumping  him while sucking his erect penis.

Hearing him mewl and moan was what was making me go on. I used one hand to touch myself while started to put Mitch in my mouth.

After a couple of minutes, Mitch opened his mouth. "Je-Jerome!~" He gasped, and I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"I'm gunna-!"

"Cum for me, Mitchell"

And that's exactly what he did.

I stood up, kissing a huffing and relaxing from his orgasm.

I turned Mitch around and pinned him against the wall away from the drain.

I let my tip push against his entrance, and he nodded without me having to ask.

I thrusted up against him, knowing I was using the water as our lubricant.

I stopped when Mitch tensed up, I knew it wasn't the same as having real lube, so I tried to distract him from the pain. I jerked him off slowly and kissed him slowly on his neck, after a bit, he pushed back onto me, and I took that it was okay to move.

I thrusted up into him, trying to not just tear him apart from the inside as I heard him moaning and groaning infront of me.

"Je-Jeroooome....~" I bit my cheek as he said my name, god.. I loved the way he said my name, and I felt him shudder, he didn't say anything, but he must have came again, because he relaxed against me.

I kept thrusting up until I came, Mitch moaning from over-sensitivity as I filled him to the brim.

I pulled out with a sensual 'pop', and kissed him on the cheek.

"Let's get washed up for real.. 'kay babe?"

He nodded, kissing me again softly and timidly on the lips.



First smut ; u;

Forgive me for it is horrid.

Ayeeee at least I tried.


Me and my friend have been singing "Guy Love" for the past ten minutes and I'm just like "CHOCOLATE BEAR"


I'll leave.

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