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For the next eight months, Aru adjusted to life again. She attended therapy sessions and it did wonders for her mental health. Or maybe the bar was just really low.

Her father had been seeing a therapist, too, from his prison cell. He'd been making some progress in actually being a decent human being, or so she heard. Aru wasn't ready to see him yet, though. The memories of what he'd done were still far too fresh in her mind.

Aru and Aiden began actually dating soon after their quest ended. They didn't tell their friends until a few days later, but everyone knew anyway. Their dates were usually spontaneous but always fun, like the time they binge-watched the Lord of the Rings movies in less than a day.

There was a lot of arguing over what neo-Boo's new name should be until Aru decided on Fawkes, after the firebird from Harry Potter, and refused to take no for an answer. Fawkes was more lenient than Boo had ever been. He even moved the practice times later, although he didn't let up on the training.

Kara threw herself into her new role of cleaning up the Otherworld's defenses and destruction. Aru met with her more frequently, building back up the bond they'd lost. And finally, on a warm day at the end of summer, Aru brought Kara home to the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture. Kara and Krithika had a heart-to-heart conversation, and the result was that Kara moved in with them by the time school began.

Aru had never been happier. It made her almost afraid, looking over her shoulder every so often to make sure her joy wasn't all going to fall apart any second. But weeks went by without incident, and she began to relax.

The months flew by and October came--Halloween, to be exact. Which meant the Otherworld was hosting its annual dance. Nikita had insisted on making their costumes this year. Aru had gone for a more badass feel and dressed up as Inej Ghafa, complete with a black hooded jumpsuit, dark ankle boots, prop knives, and a braid spilling over her shoulder. She'd even used some of her mom's eyeliner. Looking in the mirror, she had to admit that she looked great.

"I'm leaving now, Mom!" Aru yelled as she went downstairs.

"But we haven't taken a picture yet!"

Aru groaned but Krithika Shah was already coming over, camera in hand. "Smile!" she said, raising it.

Aru begrudgingly smiled. She immediately ducked away from the camera's line of view as soon as it clicked. "Can I go now?"

"Okay, fine. I'm sure Aiden will love your costume."

Aru's cheeks heated. "Mom!"

"What? I just think you look nice." Krithika planted a kiss on Aru's head. "I hope you both behave yourselves, though."


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This year, Brynne had dressed up as a chef--no surprise there. Hira wore a matching apron and chef, which was surprising. Mini had gone as Violet from A Series of Unfortunate Events. Rudy had elected to wear his usual garish blend of clothing as he DJ'ed, but looking around the wild and colorful assortment of costumes, Aru realized he fit right in.

Sheela was dressed as Luna Lovegood, and Nikita as Elle Woods. Both of them walked around the floor, pointing at random costumes. Nikita carried a clipboard, making notes every so often. She'd taken the official duty of deciding who would win for "Best Costume" very seriously. Sheela caught Aru's eyes and grinned, and then darted off out of sight.

Music blared from the overhead speakers--a springing melody that made Aru's blood buzz. She tapped her foot and closed her eyes, feeling the rhythm pulse through her like a second heartbeat.

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