🤪It's Strange Love🤪

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(Krisha POV)

Waking up in the morning

Thinking about so many things

I just wish things would get better

I'm tryna get rid of them

But nothing seems to stay the same...

That song kept playing on repeat in my head when I woke up the next morning. On one hand, I wasn't sure how to feel, but on the other, I was relieved that I didn't have to hide the relationship from my best friends, without being worried that they would judge me or snitch on me, and was just happy that I got to spend some time with my boyfriend. I can never stop feeling on literal Cloud 9 when I say that word!

The day went by as usual, Shrivan and I doing our best not to make contact with each other and everyone just chattering and having fun. In the morning I pulled over Harathi and Kavya and made them swear to me that they wouldn't tell Isha and Vani, or anyone else in general. They said they wouldn't and I trusted them but I still kept a watch on them. I noticed Vani staring at the four of us a lot more than usual, which was sort of sus. I brushed it off though, and didn't think much of it when I saw her and Isha having what seemed to be a deep conversation alone like Harathi and Kavya did yesterday before they busted us on our relationship.

I feel like they know something and it's so annoying because if they find out we're dating everyone's going to want to know if we did this or did that. But I don't have to fucking tell them anything. Fortunately, I don't think Isha or Vani are smart enough to figure it out, though. Actually, scratch that. Kavya and Harathi found out. But then again, they are smart, even if they are total crackheads. Maybe me and Shrivan are still safe. At least I hope so.  

(Vani POV - *bonus*)

It took me the whole day, but I finally came up with a plan. Earlier in the morning, I saw Harathi, Kavya, and Krisha having a private conversation which pissed me off a lot because they weren't including me and Isha. I knew better than to directly go up and ask what was going on because they would just get annoyed and shoo me away, so I had to get a little closer and find out slyly. I hid behind some trees and couldn't hear everything they were saying but I heard something about 'last night' and to 'not tell anyone'. Not tell anyone what? What happened last night? I was really curious to know because I was sick of not knowing anything that happens.

I decided to listen closely to all the conversations they had today to see if I could pick up anything but it wasn't brought up again. That is, until later in the night. I saw Harathi and Kavya standing and talking in the corner briefly, so I went over and fiddled with the marshmallow bag to make it seem like I was actually over there for a reason and totally wasn't eavesdropping. They were agreeing to do something in the middle of the night, which piqued my interest even more. That's when I knew what I had to do! At midnight, me and Isha just had to follow them, wherever they were going, and then we would probably find out the big secret that they've been hiding! I quickly went over and told Isha about our plans for tonight and she seemed uninterested, but agreed nonetheless.

I faked sleep for almost two hours, so that I could see when they were about to leave. I looked out my tent and when I saw Kavya getting out of her tent, I waited a few seconds before sneaking out of my own and getting Isha to follow her.

(Harathi POV - *bonus*)

In the middle of the night, I was almost asleep when something shook my tent lightly. Aaaaahhhh, a bear!!! Oh wait. It was probably just Kavya. I looked around. Luckily, my parents were still sound asleep. I have warned that girl to be careful around our tents a million times. Why does she keep... Omg I'm turning into Isha! #BeingAMom. Hehehehe. This is not funny! Whatever. I got out of my tent.

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