Chapter fifteen- Rumors

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//AN: Hello everyone I am back from a not-so-great time, but I will try to write. I hope you enjoy it


They all looked around and everyone seemed to have a question mark over their head until Bee noticed the familiar black and white cat with a bright yellow color around his neck. Ryuji being the clueless punk looked up in the air.

"Did you say something?" The short-haired cat hopped onto the grey table gracefully.

"Don't think you can get away with not paying me back for helping you." Ryuji looked down at the cat shocked while Akira and the others weren't surprised.

"That that you Morgana?!" Ryuji asked confused. The brown pupils were barely visible.

"No shit," Bee spoke sarcastically. "I doubt we would be able to hear a cat." Morgana soon shot his cobalt blue eyes at her.

"How dare you, up and leaving me the other day!" Morgana's voice became higher in his anger.

"Why is no one gonna ask why the cat is talkin'!" Ryuji shouted.  Morgana soon moved his small cat body towards the blonde.

"I am NOT a cat! This is just what happened when I came to this world!" Morgana explained. "It was a lot of trouble finding you four!" The brown-haired girl soon moved closer to Morgana. " came to our world?!"

"How?" Akira spoke up pushing his glasses slightly up and making a typical anime shine. Morgana turned his black and licked his paw so he could lick behind his ear.

"You don't need one when you are at my level. I did get pretty lost making my escape though..." He trailed off at the end.

"That aside why can you talk? And why can we hear you?" Bee chipped in as she too got closer to the creature on the table. Akira also moved slightly and Bee's shoulder touched his arm. Even though it was a small interaction she couldn't help but blush.

"To be frank, I have no idea," Morgana responded.

"You hearin' this too?" Ryuji asked as he turned his head towards the boy who has stayed quiet.

"Meow?" Akira responded and a small giggle escaped Bee's lips.

Ryuji stopped his foot. "This is no time for jokin' around!"

"You guys are having a rough time of this hmm? I heard you mention something about a witness." Morgana said as he started to clean himself on the table.

"Oh shuddup." Ryuji said to the cat. Morgana frowned at first but soon smirked.

"You know, I could tell you a thing or two about what to do about Komoshida." He turned to Akira. "You were pretty close just a moment ago."

Ryuji crossed his arms. "God that condescendin' attitude must be Morgana," Ryuji spoke. "We've already established that," Bee spoke up. 

"Ugh, we really have to be looking for that cat at a busy time like this?" A Display Committee Teacher walked out from behind the cement wall to the courtyard.

"I just heard a meow somewhere near here. Didn't you hear it?" Another man spoke. The older man sighed. "Make sure you check every nook and cranny around."

//AN: Hehe nook's cranny. Okay I'll go

The teachers soon left and turned their attention back to the cat. "I think this means only we can hear Morgana," Alondra spoke in a hushed voice.

"Looks like it," Morgana said.

"What the hell is going on?" Ryuji ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair. "Anyways, what you were talkin' about earlier.. is it for real?" Ryuji asked.

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