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Friday, March

Semi doesn't know how he ended up here. Well, he does, but he can't believe his friends would do this to him. He's cursing Tendou under his breath as he promises himself to find new friends. New friends that won't force him to sit next to his crush for 4 hours straight.

The Shiratorizawa team was going to Tokyo for a week-long training camp. Semi thought it would be a fun trip until he steps on the bus to find out that Tendou had completely ditched him to sit with Ushijima. And he points to a seat in the back, right beside Shirabu, who was already snoozing with his head against the window.

Well, he supposed it could be worse. Shirabu could be awake, and they'd be bickering and causing a ruckus. Then the coach would probably scold them. So he guessed it could be worse.

So instead, Semi not-so-subtly admires Shirabu as he sleeps. His face was relaxed and calm, a contrast to his usual displeased expression, and Semi thinks he looks prettier like this. Shirabu's copper-colored bangs fell in front of his eyes, and it took all of his self-control to not reach out and brush them away.

The sun was rising above the hills, Shirabu was basking in the rays, his eyes twitch slightly at the light. He makes a small groan and shifts around, trying to get away from the light. He tilts away from the window and suddenly he's leaning against Semi's shoulder. Semi's heart practically jumps to his throat as he tenses, eyes wide, staring at the boy- that was very much his crush- leaning against him. Shirabu snuggles closer to him, obviously trying to get more comfortable, and Semi forces himself to relax, and he almost smiles as he looks down at the younger male.

Shirabu settles back down into his deep sleep, and Semi's again left with his thoughts. He wonders when this all started. Maybe it was last year when Shirabu joined the team as a setter. Of course, he felt on guard. He'd considered Shirabu a rival, not to mention, they were completely different from each other. Shirabu didn't possess the need to stand out like he did, it's part of why he's the starter and not him. If anything, it's like he wanted to be completely invisible, willingly let Ushijima take the spotlight. At first, Semi hated it, he hated it more once it became clear that that was what Shiratorizawa needed. He started practicing more, desperate to prove that he was still better for the team. And it worked the first year, then, it was his final year of high school, and he's sat on the bench. Of course, it was a terrible feeling, and on multiple occasions Tendou had to stop him from overworking himself to the point of collapsing, but he's come to terms with it.

And he started looking at Shirabu in a new light. Many times, he finds himself impressed with how calm and composed Shirabu was on the court. Even in a pinch, he can clearly assess the situation, and pull off perfect sets for the spikers. But not that he'd ever admitted it to him, obviously, both of them were too stubborn to crack. Repeatedly trading sarcastic remarks and passive-aggressive jabs. So Semi doesn't really know when it started.

When did Semi's gaze start to linger on Shirabu even outside of matches? When did Semi start secretly admiring how pretty Shirabu was? Mapping out his face in his mind? Wondering what his smile looked like? What did his laugh sound like?

Maybe he would've never noticed his growing affection if Tendou hadn't asked him about it one night in their dorm. Of course, Semi was disgusted at first. Just the thought of him even remotely liking his sarcastic salt shaker of a kouhai was completely preposterous.

But from then on, Tendou would discreetly smirk at him when he's caught staring. It quickly led to loud teasing which the team joined in on and Semi had to question what sort of god hated him this much.

But he does admit it was endearing to watch Shirabu's reactions to the team's teasing. The way the tips of his ear would turn red as he tells them to shut up. Or sometimes when he's so flustered he'll turn bright red and mutter incoherent curses.

Shiratorizawa'a Tokyo Training Camp ft. SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now