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Again, Shirabu's woken up so fucking early in the morning; the haunting ringtone echos through the room and he groans, burying himself deep into his sheets, clutching at the reminisce of sleep.

Finally, finally, it stops, and Shirabu lets out a long, content sigh. He relaxes, unconsciously pulling his sheets back under his chin, turning away from the gradually lightening sky just beyond the window. Muffled rustling could be heard from somewhere within the room, but in his half-asleep daze, he couldn't pinpoint where.

A soft hum danced in the air and Shirabu practically melts in the gentle tone, a warm wave of sleep rolls over him.

He vaguely feels the callused finger brush against his forehead, and he leans into the touch, it was comforting in a way that he couldn't really explain. The hand pushes his bangs away from his face, pulling downwards and ghosting the trail of his jawline.

Then, like a dream, it was gone, and Shirabu can't remember if it was even real or not. Either way, the humming stopped- exactly when, he couldn't tell- and soon, he's pulled back into a familiar slumber.

The next time he wakes is slightly less peaceful. After what seems like a blink of an eye, Shirabu's being shaken awake. He audibly groans as he feels himself being absolutely manhandled by whoever was shaking him.

"Ok...ok..." he mumbles, pulling out of their grasp and falling back on the bed.

"I get that you're sleep deprived but practice starts in less than an hour and coach will probably kill you if you're late."

"Mhm," he replies, content. Then the words register in his head and he bolts up, "less than a hour?!?"

"Yeah," Semi says, almost regretfully.

"Oh, hell," Shirabu mumbles, pulling off the sheets and sliding out of bed. He rushes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. And after doing so, he grabs his uniform and changes. He feels strangely refreshed for someone who's only gotten 4 hours of sleep, not that he's complaining though.

He combs through his hair, quickly straightening the edges. It's a routine he follows every morning, and it doesn't take him long to finish.

When he steps out of the bathroom, (much to his surprise) Semi is waiting for him by the door. With a slight tilt of his head, he walks out the door, and Shirabu follows suit. They reach the cafeteria wordlessly and they sit at the big table their teammates have gathered at.

"You two sure are late~" Tendou says with a all knowing smile. Shirabu grimaced at the look on his senpai's face, and proceeds to ignore the way the ruby eyes darts between the two setters.

"No shit, Satori, we didn't get back til past midnight last night," Semi says, and he emphasizes his point with a yawn.

"Midnight is hardly late," Yamagata rolled his eyes.

"It is considering how early we have to get up, plus" Semi argues, "Shirabu was up for who knows how long doing his homework, of all things."

There was a choir of gasp and snorts from the group, and Shirabu rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you such a good student, Shirabu-kun?" Tendou says giving his junior a flick on the forehead.

"Ouch," Shirabu complains, "I'd rather get it done early so I don't have to worry about it later."

"That's called being responsible," Reon adds, looking around the table, "some of you should try it."

Shiratorizawa'a Tokyo Training Camp ft. SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now