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Shirabu is unpleasantly awoken by an absolutely obnoxious alarm, he turns in his bed, silently willing for the sound to go away. And by some miracle, it does. He cracks his eyes open to see that the sun had barely peeked from the horizon and he swore he was going kill whoever set an alarm at dawn.

"Ah, did I wake you?"

Shirabu turned towards the voice and immediately wished he hadn't because: one, Semi, the bastard, had a habit of sleeping shirtless, and two, there he stood, his hand on his hips, abs and all. Shirabu can't help the way his eyes flickered over the toned chest, the sculpted abs, dropping lower-

"why the hell are you up so early?" He croaked, pulling the covers over his head before he's caught staring.

"I usually go for a run in the mornings," Semi replied, almost smugly, "wanna join me?"

Before Shirabu could even scoff, Semi spoke again, "To build stamina, I mean, you could definitely use some more." 

What a horrid attempt to provoke him, he thinks, as if Shirabu would fall for something so blatant.

And 10 minutes later, Shirabu is pulling on his running shoes, cursing Semi under his breath. The two of them headed down together, Shirabu glaring at Semi the entire elevator ride.

"If looks could kill," Semi joked as they stepped outside the hotel lobby.

Shirabu takes a deep breath of the chilly morning air, he can faintly smell the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms, though he's not sure where it comes from.

"Do you even know where you're going?"

"Yep. I mapped out a route yesterday while exploring, unlike a certain someone that just slept."

Shirabu rolled his eyes, "well aren't you so vigilant," he replied, venom dripping from his words.

Semi smirks back at him, "as long you know."

The two started jogging down the street, Shirabu hardly keeping up with Semi's fast pace. Occasionally, Semi tried to start small conversations as they ran, but Shirabu just ignored him, choosing instead, to concentrating on his breathing. He mentally curses Semi for running so damn fast.

"H-how far are we running?" He huffed in between gasps.

Semi looked at him, "I was thinking about three miles."

Shirabu groaned, muttering incoherent words that Semi somehow understood, "I'd say we're like, halfway done."

Shirabu trudged on, he can feel the gross way his bangs stuck on his forehead and he wonders if he should invest in a headband or something of the sort.

The memory of yesterday's dinner flashes in his mind; while they were was out eating dinner, the waitress had complimented Shirabu on his hair clips. Confused, he took them out, and he's met with snickering teammates and a very obviously guilty Semi. And Tendou. His face scrunches at the memory and he suddenly feels the urge to push Semi into the busy traffic.

Sweat drips down the side of his face as the sun rose to light up the sky. Shirabu finds that it's slightly easier to keep up with Semi, though he doesn't know if he's gotten into a rhythm or if Semi had slowed down.

They run past a park, and the corners of Shirabu's mouth perked up as he see several dogs taking a stroll with their owners.

They turn at the streetlight, and Shirabu runs through the morning hustle, watching life buzz around him. He and Semi were practically running side by side now, and he's glad to see that Semi was breathing heavily as well. It makes him feel better knowing that he wasn't the only one suffering.

Shiratorizawa'a Tokyo Training Camp ft. SemiShiraWhere stories live. Discover now