Lucius Malfoy

362 7 1

Marauders Era

"Where are we going?" I asked them anxious.
"Just come on y/n. It'll be fun!"
Sirius laughed.
"So we're being mischievous?" I asked them.
"Yup." James smirked.

We made our way to the grassy feilds of Hogwarts. There I noticed, Severus was reading a book.

"Ahhh Snivellous." James sneered.
"Leave me alone Potter." Snape said.
"Here that mates, leave me alone he says."
"Go away." Snape them locked eyes with me.
"Levicorpus." James hit the spell onto Snape.

Snape dangled and the marauders laughed. I fake laughed along. Snape and I have been friends for a long time.

"Sorry." I mouthed to Snape while the Marauders back were turned.

We made it back to the dorm. They all were still laughing.
"I have to.... Go do something real quick." I told them.
"Okay..." James said.
"Have fun." Remus said.

I quickly ran around the grounds. Looking up and down for Severus. I finally found him in the courtyard with my boyfriend Lucius. I walked up to them and sat. My anxiety grew inside.

"Severus, I'm sorry for that. I didn't want it to happen but I couldn't let them find out about the three of us." I apologized.
"Why not? You can't keep going back and forth." Severus replied.
"I know it's just..."
"It's just what?" Lucius demanded gently.

"Do you remember the first day we met?" I asked.

"Hi. I'm y/n l/n." I introduced myself to the Black and White haired boys.
"I'm Lucius Malfoy." The white haired but said.
"I'm Severus Snape." The black haired man introduced himself.
We talked until we made it to hogwarts.

After the sorting we talked once more.
"Dang it. How'd I end up in Gryffindor?" I asked.
"It's a bummer we both ended up in slytherin while you have to go to Gryffindor. You'd make a wonderful Slytherin." Lucius said.
I blushed a little, no a lot.
"Promise each other we'll be friends." Severus said.
"I promise." We all said in unison.
We kissed each other in the cheek as our promise.

"Of course I remember." Lucius smiled.
"What the Bloody hell?!" I turned to see James.
Uh oh.
"Why are you with them?" Remus asked.
"Well.... I... Uhm..." I stuttered.
"Spit it out." Sirius said.

"I've been friends with them since year one. Well no not friends, best friends and Lucius here is my boyfriend." I told them. Normally I'd just go with the flow. My anxiety is constant so I avoided things that raised it.

The marauders seemed angry.
"Your leaving us for that!" James yelled.
"James, she can be friends with-" Remus started.
"Shut it Remus! Why are you leaving us?!!!" Sirius yelled. Peter avoided all conflict.

"Yes. I am leaving you for them. I've been friends with Severus for years. He is my best friend. And I love Lucius, I want Lucius. I want all of him. His flaws and his perfection. I want him in my future. I want to get married, start a family. Carry on the family name to our children. And if you guys are gonna keep them away from me then I'd rather not be friends." I stood up.

"Fine. Go!" Sirius yelled.
The marauders left.
"Congratulations miss y/n, you stood up." Lucius smiled.
"Listen about the things I said-" I started. Lucius interrupted me with a soft kiss.
"Shhh. Don't." He said.
"I meant them Lucius. I meant all of it."

"Nice going lass." Severus said patting me on the back. We all sat down and continued talking happily.

"We can be together forever now." Lucius said.
"Forever? What if you find someone you love more?" I asked.
"I want you y/n. I want you forever. No woman could change that."
"But..." I trailed off.
Lucius slipped a silver ring with the Malfoy crest on my ring finger.
"No buts." He started.

"Just you and me forever."


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