Ch. 6 (Birdies POV)

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After Lin got home from the hospital, everything seemed awkward between us. I told her what I saw out the window and she had that same frightened look in her face. She's even been avoiding Trisha. It's the summer time so I have been hanging out a lot with my Best friend, Shelby. She lives a few doors down. While Lin lives a few miles away. Me and Shelby love taking walks around the small city. So every now and again we pass Lin's house. Lin lives close to our friend Brittany, so we just go and give Brittany a visit. I have no idea if Shelby has met Lin yet, but I have not told her about the weird stuff that happened. Just that I met a cool person. She thought it was pretty cool and she got off that topic when she saw a red bird and laughed. "Birdie, meet your twin!" She pointed and giggled at the red "birdie". I have red hair, not as bright as that birds was but that bird was very pretty. I wouldn't say like myself. I'm not the type of person to compliment myself or brag about my appearance. The popular bitches who do that at school are just snobs. I looked at Shelby with a little smile on my face because her giggle was cute. I nodded my head, "yeah. Now let's go to Brittany's before she has a bitch for because we were late for the meeting." Shelby cocked her head back towards the street. She looked down as she pulled out her phone. The time read 5:03 "Oh Shit!!! We're already late!"
I feel like shit! I have a few stitches in my head that come out in another week. I have been avoiding my friends, the only people that care about me. Worst of all I keep having dreams about that one charming dude! "UGH!" I sighed out loud heading downstairs to go for a walk. "Mom!! I AM GOING FOR A WALK BE BACK IN AN HOUR!" I shouted across my house my mom was probably asleep on the couch. I didn't bother waking her up because she wouldn't care anyway. As soon as I walked out the door Birdie and another girl ran passed me. I turned around and locked the door. Then felt this urge to chase after them. So being me, I did. It looked as if we were going to Brittany's house. She is just another girl that goes to my school. I continued to chase them as they came to a stop in front of her house. I saw a tall skinny man with a suit on stop them and confront them. I crept behind the bush next to them to see what they were saying. "Your late!" The tall guy said with a calm voice. " We know. We're so sorry. It's just we got distracted by this bird and..." "No excuses. Just get inside. We're still waiting for your little boy toy anyways." He interrupted. He turned his faceless head towards the bush I was hiding behind. " I see you brought a friend!" Birdie and the blonde chick turned their heads towards me as I started standing up. "Um... Hi" I said very softly. Scared of what might happen. "Hey.. Lin. What are you doing here?" She questioned in a confused voice. "I saw you guys running and I felt this strong urge to follow you guys. I..." "JEFF!" Birdie and Shelby interrupted. "Who's Jeff?" I mocked confused. the tall guy bent far over to whisper in my ear. "he's the guy behind you." I quickly turned around. There was a guy in a white hoodie. He wasn't any ordinary guy though. None like you have ever seen in fact. His mouth was cut in to the shape of a smile and he had no eyelids whatsoever. "Hello beautiful!" he said leaning closer to me. "What's your name?" He kept getting closer. I started to back away. "Lin." I said as calmly as I could manage.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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