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I don't ride the bus today so instead I walk home. As I start walking I get this weird feeling. A feeling that someone is following me. So I stop and sit at the bench on the side of the road. I wait a few minutes then I call Maxi and ask him to come walk with me. 10 mins later he came and we started walking to my house. I guess now is as good as any to tell you why we call him Maxi for Maxi retard. Well we met in 2nd grade and his real name is Max. We were best buds before we met Trisha. We met Trisha in the 3rd grade. Trisha didn't remember anybody's name. She became best buds with us but always forgot max's name (it's odd cause she never forgot mine). Well we always hung out and one day in fourth grade Trisha asked what Max's name was. He answered and told her to finally remember. He then said something so retarded that I don't even think the stupidest person on earth would say. I am not exactly sure what, but it got him his nick name Maxi Retarded and that's how Trisha remembered his name. But I will ask Maxi what it was he said. Later though. Right now I need to pay attention to where I am walking instead of writing.
As I gasp for air a man in a black hoodie with a nurses mask stands in front of me looking down, staring at me. He says something in a low mumble but I can't make it out. I stand up and make eye contact with him....... I'm awake. I saw him... I saw his face. I don't know what to think except he looked charming. More charming then JP. More charming then any boy I've ever seen. (Even though the only boys I really see are the boys that actually talk to me. I feel as if I don't know a boy unless they talk.) I mean on charm level 1-10 he'd be a 90. I wish I could make out what he said. But that probably doesn't matter. I mean he is just a boy in my dreams right..? Even though this is the first time I actually dreamed of what happened after I tripped. That can't mean anything. Could it? Or am I just going mad? Although we are all mad here.

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