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Dedicated to DW_Hennery

The sun glares through my shear dark purple curtains, making room to be imbued with a purpish color. My alarm goes off for the second time today and I lazily stretch my hand towards my nightstand to hit the snooze button.

I know I have to get up because today is my birthday but I just want to sleep in, I'm done with school anyway and i just can't stop thinking about him.


It all started when I had been having a hard time with math in my final year of secondary school and when our Math teacher, Miss chansa suggested to my mom that I needed a tutor, I adamantly refused to find one. So they worked together and they found me a tutor. My mom's friend from church apparently had a son who only had straight A's , so she persuaded her son to tutor me And there he was..


At first he wasn't willing to do it because we both hated each other's guts because of a reason which I can't somehow seem to remember.

It might have been about football or something like that, it's been long I don't remember.

But as time went by we became friends, which for a reason I have never understood , hurt my best friend, Andrea's feelings.

I still don't seem to understand because I made time for her. She always looked at him in a weird way, so they never got along.

After our Math sessions we would go out together to grab something to eat or drink or just watch a movie.

I know it sounds stupid but I didn't know that we were dating until one day when we went to the supermarket. I wanted to get a new notebook and Wendell had been sent to get shampoo for his mom and he had forgotten the brand so he needed my help. He had been complaining about it the all way, which just made me laugh cause it kind of made him look cute.

I was in one of the aisles checking out some diaries and I think Wendell must have gone to the sports aisle when we had decided to split which was three or four aisles away , give or take, when suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around and found a boy about my age looking at me with an easy going smile on his face.

He was quite cute , I'll admit that ,but he was nothing compared to Wendell. He was dark skinned with decent haircut and a simple white T-shirt and black sweat pants.

"Excuse me," he said.

I was probably blocking him, I thought.

"Quite excused," I said as I moved out of his way.

"Please, no need to move, when I saw you , I knew I....... just had to talk to you," he said smiling .

Okay, that was the worst pick up line, ever..

"Okay , can I help you with something?" I said.

"My name is Ryan and you are?" He asked.

His 'easy going person' demeanor suddenly changed when he looked behind me, I didn't have a chance to turn as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"She is my girlfriend," Wendell firmly said surprising us both.

A hard look passed between them and Ryan started backing away.

Before turning he smirked and said,"see you around, girlfriend, " with that,he left.

I felt Wendell get tense behind me and he was about to go after him but I held him back.

After awkwardly brousing through some shelves, I decided to break the silence.

"I didn't know you felt that way about me," I said looking everywhere else, avoiding his eyes.

"I thought it was clear and that you knew where we stand, I love you, Lu," he said but I still couldn't face him.

I remembered all the looks he had been giving me but I thought he was always just deep in thought.

Wendell is tall , with a perfect set of teeth and he has those whiskey brown eyes, I just can't get enough of and he is the captain and star of our school football team.

Never thought he could like me of all people, thought we were just friends.

I even heard his friends call me plain Jane.

He put his hand under my chin and forced me to look him in the eye and said,"never be afraid to look me in the eye , because theses eyes are only for you."

Okay that was corny but sweet.. Definitely sweet it gave me butterflies in my tummy..

He gently kissed me on my forehead and when I looked at his whiskey brown eyes I saw only adoration in them.

I took his hand and said, " I love you too."

And that was six months ago.

We went out yesterday and I was happy because Andrea tagged along. We had fun and he dropped me off first because I had to make dinner for my mom. He dropped Andrea after me.

I felt bad for Andrea, she was home alone for the weekend and mom never lets me out of her sight when she is back from work, so that's why I told Wendell to drop her off last.

He gave me a quick kiss and went back into his car.

I'm beginning to get worried because I have only heard from Andrea when she called to tell me she had reached safely. Wendell's phone has been switched off since last night.

With a heavy sigh I decide to get out of bed and draw the curtains to let in the sunlight.

My window has the garden view, I feel happy when I look at my vegetables growing.

My stomach roars like jump roping elephants, a sign for me to get breakfast.

I pad barefoot to the kitchen and I take out the cereal and a bowl.

"Mom?", I call out when I go to get milk from the fridge.

Only silence answers me, she must have gone to work.

I find a note stuck to the fridge with with something scribbled down on it.

Happy birthday cookie!! Enjoy your day, you are 18, I can't believe it, I'm soooooooooo happy... Maybe more than you.. Dont eat that cereal,I made you a chocolate cake.. Have a slice just for tasting... Don't be out too long I better find you....

Sorry I have to be at work sweetie, have a blast and there's something for you at the top of the fridge.

Xoxo..mommy dearest..

I smile even though I don't like being called 'cookie' and I get an envelope from the top of the fridge.
It has money inside.... A lot of money..

Another note falls out of the envelope.

For your computer..

I smile and groan at the same time, I don't what sound that makes.

I have told her so many times that it's a laptop. She's not even that old.

I get my phone and try Wendell's line again but it still goes to voice mail.

I decide to go and see Andrea first then I'll go see Wendell.

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