Two days go by.

Two days since Liam and Loyd were hospitalized.

Azrael took me back to his town house and didn't want an argument about it.

The only good part is there's no sign of Cassie anywhere.

So for 48 hours I have been sitting outside the hospital on a bench with two men guarding me. Another thing I didn't want but no matter what, Azrael got his way. How can I argue with someone who's roof I am staying under?
A situation I need to change as soon as possible.

We haven't spoken much , only him updating me about Liam's condition. He hasn't asked the reason as to why I run out of the hospital and I haven't offered any explanation. It's like a silent treaty between us which I am grateful for.

He brings me a coffee cup and sits besides me.

Something that has become a ritual.

I turn to him. "How are they?"

He rubs his hands together. "They are okay."

Thank goodness.

I try to keep the guilt out of my tone. "Okay enough to get discharged?"

He turns to me , his hair is untied and the shadow of a beard at his chin, he looks a little bit worn out, if am being honest he looks a little bit vulnerable. His hand absent mindedly tags at an elastic at his other wrist.

"It wasn't your fault, they both volunteered to keep an eye out for you and they knew what they were getting into."

I shake my head. "I know but still it was on my accord that they are in this situation."

He brings out his vibrating phone and reads the message. "Let me drop you home, I have some work to do."

"Do you like own a restaurant?" I ask sceptically.

I can't ask if he works at one because without a doubt he is as rich as they come. He's a Chali after all.

"It's my late mom's hotelier business, I take care of the catering part of business" he says standing up.

We haven't spoken much for the past two days, so Dorian hasn't come up but once Liam and Loyd are discharged, I'll go to Dorian with or without Azrael's consent.

It has dawned on me that Azrael may never help me with what I set out to do because he the capacity to do so but I don't see any action on his part.

For someone who has his sister kidnapped, I don't understand how he can manage to be so calm.

It's on the tip of my tongue to ask him but I hold back as I follow him to his car, the two men behind me.

It is quite evident that I care about him but I'll not get involved in his family matters. The less I know, the less I care.


On the fourth day I almost squeal from the surprise I find in the kitchen.

Liam is in the small kitchen trying to get water from the dispenser and he almost drops the cup when I startle him.

The relief I feel seeing him is palpable that I almost hug him. His left arm is in a sling and his dreadlocks are tied up. But his face , the stitches must be a pain.

He holds his chest with his free hand. "You startled me."

I feel soft smile bloom on my face. "I didn't know the hospital could make you this soft."

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