First Encounter

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*Meliodas POV*

Meliodas walked through the castle halls with a stern look on his face. He was pondering what the next steps for the demon clan were going to be. It had been about four months since the Holy War ended, and he became King. His younger brother, Zeldris, should be in his place, but they decided, along with the Seven Deadly Sins and King Bartra, that Meliodas was to keep the throne. Britania just started to accept him; there's no way the demon clan would have a future with the human realm with Zeldris as King. The humans would never accept it.

Meliodas turned a corner into a massive, dark corridor. He hated how dark it was in here. The guards and staff constantly knew where he was as his bright yellow hair shined like the sun throughout the blackened castle. Curtains opened as he walked, allowing golden light to fill the beautiful, burgundy corridor. "That's better," he said with a smirk.

Meliodas sighed as he approached the large throne room doors. He wasn't ready to be King today- or at all for the day. He missed his bar, his friends, and his Elizabeth. He let out a deep breath and turned around. The guards looked at him and then at each other; they wanted to question him but knew better. Meliodas turned down a different hallway leading away from the corridor and throne room. Elizabeth. They decided it would be better for them to focus on bringing peace to their clans and Britania rather than being together. After 3000 years together and finally breaking the curse, they aren't together. Meliodas chuckled to himself. It's pretty ironic, but they are just friends now. Elizabeth took up a more significant role and responsibilities as the third princess of Britania. She was now an ambassador for the goddess clan and worked closely with the clan to rebuild their future. She spent half her time in the goddess realm and the other half at Britania. He really did miss her; she was his best— "MELIODAS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

Meliodas was startled out of his thoughts to see Zeldris at the end of the hallway. "I know, I know... I was clearing my head." He responded with a sigh. 

"Brother! You are the one who suggested this, and YOU were the one who accepted becoming King of the demon clan. It's time for you to stop moping around and take your responsibilities seriously!" Zeldris' voice had a sad tone to it. 

Meliodas knew how badly he wanted to be King and recognized how hard it was for him to watch his older brother live out his dream. "Okay, but as the second-highest ranking demon, my trusted advisor, and my beloved brother, I need you to give me some advice."

The two brothers whispered to each other as they walked back to the corridor. They stopped before the throne room doors, "I understand, brother. We need to speak to the advisors on this matter," Zeldris said. 

"No! We should speak with the others first." Zeldris rolled his eyes, "how is the demon clan going to—" Meliodas cut him off, "I just want to ensure all my bases are covered. I want what's best for the demon clan, and right now, re-establishing ourselves through peace is best." Meliodas' let his demon energy swirl around his chest into an open coat with a high collar. He took a deep breath and opened the throne room doors.

"King Meliodas"
"Welcome, King!"
"The King is here."
"King Meliodas!"

The room was filled with shouts from people all around him. He walked forward with a determined look on his face. His eyes didn't dare stray from the throne. As he walked towards it, the demons kneeled in his presence, even the ambassadors. He let out a slight smirk before sitting on his throne. "You may rise."


*Gelda POV*

Gelda was finally free and accepted back into the demon clan. She was strolling through the immense forest outside the palace grounds. Although she adored being in the palace with Zeldris, it was very overwhelmingly different than the cave she had been residing in for thousands of years. She was headed towards her favorite part of the forest, a small meadow that reminded her of the view from her hiding spot. 

She always came here to think, relax, have space from Zeldi, and even just enjoy the good outdoors. She let out a deep breath and smiled when she reached the meadow. She paused to take in the beautiful scenery, then headed to her favorite spot in the middle. Gelda laid a blanket out on the warm grass to sit and read. She had so many books to catch up on. Thousands of years' worth! Although, she technically only had a couple of human books Zeldi brought back for her. As she opened her book and started to read, she was startled by nearby rustling.

"Hmm.. that's odd; Zeldi should be in the throne room with Meliodas," she thought. Suddenly, the rustling started in a different direction, parallel to her. Although she should hide, Gelda wasn't afraid of the presence of the person or animal was giving off. She stayed silent and still. The rustling changed directions again and again. It started to come closer to her. At this point, she could tell it wasn't another demon. She stared in its direction, ready for anything, when suddenly a girl frantically tripped over a stump and into her meadow. A girl?

Gelda didn't move, just stared as she watched the girl pick herself up and look back at the forest. 

"No, no, no.. oh no."  

Gelda called out to her, "Excuse me?"

 "Ahh!" The girl screamed as she turned around to be face to face with her. "Sorry! You frightened me," she said with a sigh, "can you please help me? I think I'm lost." 

Gelda thought to herself; you definitely are lost. "Umm, sure.. where are you trying to go?" 

"I'm trying to get back home to Canes. I was heading into town to shop when I realized I had forgotten my money at home. I took the same shortcut as I usually do, but somehow, I got off my path. I can't figure out which way is home. Everything looks unfamiliar." The girl was frantic.

 "Wait, Canes?" Gelda was confused. "You were headed to Canes from where?"

 "From town. You know, the one with the castle???"

Canes? Town? The castle? Not a demon??? OH SHIT! Gelda stared at the girl in amazement. She must be from Britania. But how?? The humans aren't allowed into the demon realm yet. Lost in the forest outside the castle? She must have stumbled upon one of the Kings portals. But how?? Only a demon can enter the demon realm through those.

Gelda calmly smiled at the girl and gestured for her to come to sit next to her. As she walked up to her, Gelda took in her features. She had h/l h/c hair and deep, e/c eyes. Even though the girl was hesitant, Gelda could tell how strong she was by her walk. She was y/h (your height) and y/b (your build). She looked human, but her smell was off. She sat across from Gelda and smiled at her. "So what's your name? I'm Gelda!" 

"I'm y/n; it's nice to meet you. Where are you from?" 

"Oh, I'm from a place pretty far away from here, Gelda responded while thinking of her cave in the human realm. Y/n looked at her quizzically. Gelda quickly asked, "Did you grow up in Canes?" 

"Yes! Although, that's not where my family is from. I've lived here my whole life." 

"Interesting," Gelda said, "what were you going into town to get?" 

"I was going to pick up a few more spices for dinner and maybe a book." 

Gelda nodded at her. "How, exactly, did you get lost?" 

Y/n looked out towards the forest, "well... I'm not really sure. I was walking on the path home and decided to take my shortcut. I was about halfway when I heard something nearby. I looked back to see if anyone was there but didn't see anyone. Then I turned back around and suddenly didn't know where I was in the forest. I tried to get ahold of my surroundings, but nothing was similar. I couldn't tell which way was towards the castle and which way was home. I started panicking, and that's when I ran into you."

Gelda analyzed Y/n's story for clues but couldn't understand it. "Well, I'm glad you found me! Let me call my boyfriend over so he can help you find your way back. He knows this forest better than I do." Before Y/n could respond, Gelda lowered her head and started casting a spell.

Future of the Demon Clan- Seven Deadly Sins (Meliodas x Reader) (Spicy)Where stories live. Discover now