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Meliodas lay in bed staring at the sleeping girl on his chest while stuck in thought. He couldn't believe that she was a dragon born. His father had ordered their execution along with the Vampire clan. Chandler and Cusack were the ones who demolished the small group. Dragonborn's were a very rare subspecies of demons. Their origin was unknown, but they were considered royalty and fought with the demon clan. The Demon King himself had one or two Dragonborn on his original council. Meliodas feared for y/n. What would happen to her when the council finds out? Will she be executed or nothing more than a subject for experiments?  

If that were the case,  he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Even though Meliodas is technically the demon king, he hasn't had his coronation meaning his power was limited. He is essentially a pseudo-king, but the other clans don't know that. Meliodas sighed and kissed y/n's forehead before getting out of bed. Ban should be here any minute now, he thought to himself. 

After getting dressed in his formal attire, Meliodas gently woke y/n up by softly caressing her face. "Hey Princess, it's time for me to go." 

"Nuuuuuuu," the girl grabbed his hand as if her life depended on it. 

"Don't worry, princess. Ban will be here to hang out when you wake up. I'll be back soon, okay?"

y/n sighed and silently said, "okay." Meliodas chuckled and kissed her forehead before walking out of the room. 

-----------A short time later---------

The heavy mahogany doors flew open to reveal a long oval table. This caused twelve men sitting around the table to suddenly stand up and bow. 

"My King"

"King Meliodas"

"Welcome King"

They all greeted the blonde as he walked to the head of the table. When Meliodas sat down, the twelve men followed suit. They sat in silence as their King went down the line looking at each man, eyeing their individual demon marks. The first time Meliodas did this was at his first council meeting as the demon king. He was nervous and froze when he was supposed to start the meeting. It ended up being a successful powerplay, reminding the council whose name starts with King. He now uses this trick to open important meetings as it shows them the decision has already been made. 

"You've always loved a grand entrance, brother." Meliodas' eyes quickly looked up to Zeldris, telling him to keep quiet. The ravenette sat at the end of the large oval table. 

Meliodas leaned back in his chair, "Zeldris, I don't believe I heard your welcome yet." The men looked back and forth between the brothers. One even audibly gulped. 

Zeldris let out a sigh before getting out of his chair to kneel for his brother, "My apologies your majesty. I hope you had a restful night before our meeting this morning." The demon king chuckled at his brother, letting him know he can resume his place at the table. Getting to annoy the shit out of his brother was the only good thing about politics.

"Welcome councilmen, I take it you had a nice journey to Camelot this morning." The men shook their heads in agreement as their king continued to speak, "now then, are there any new matters to discuss involving my absence from the kingdom?"

"No sir," the eldest-looking demon responded quickly. Meliodas smiled back at him, "good. Now is there anything we need to discuss about our clans progress towards the peace treaty?"

One of the younger men spoke up, "Sir,  the council still has concerns on how we can proceed to participate in a peace treaty when we are not yet unified as a clan." 

Meliodas wanted to roll his eyes but held out. "Theodore, is it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well Theodore, the reason why you are all Councilmen, why I am King, and why we are gathered here in the human realm is to secure the future of the demon clan. Our future is what comes first so it does not matter whether I sit on our throne as a king or as a coronated king as long as I am moving our kingdom in the right direction. If we decide to stop the demon clan's participation in this treaty, the other clans would declare war on us. Now, Theodore, do you believe we have the power to go against 3 different clans after being sealed away for 3,000 years?"

Theodore looked toward the other councilmen before responding, "no, your majesty."

"I understand the older councilmen's concern for me not yet being coronated." Meliodas's gaze quickly looked towards Zeldris before sweeping across to Odval, the eldest councilmen. "However, do you remember our agreement?"

Odval didn't dare to break eye contact with the young King. He understood exactly what was meant by this. Meliodas becomes King so the clan survives, as long as he gets to choose who and when he marries. Damn, old demon coronation rules. At least he isn't with the goddess wench anymore. "Yes, your majesty."

"Very well." Meliodas took a deep breath, "I have news on our agreement." The only two in the room who was not shocked by this were Zeldris and Meliodas himself. "I have found a potential mate." Gasps were heard but the councilmen didn't dare to speak. "She knows I am king and we have been spending quite a bit of time together. In fact, she is the reason why I came to Camelot early. She is smart, fair, and able to protect herself. In the last few days of getting to know her better, I have recognized some valuable traits that would make her a wonderful Queen."

Odval gladly asked, "may you please tell us more about her? What part of the kingdom is she from?"

"She is not from the demon realm." All twelve councilmen became noticeably angry, "It is more beneficial for us that she is not from our realm. If all goes well, our marriage will both unify our clan and the peace treaty as she is human." As soon as the last word exited his mouth, the grand meeting room irrupted into chaos.


"You're still a traitor!"

"There's no way the people would accept a human queen!"

"Are you mad?!"

After a few seconds of yelling, Meliodas let his voice get deeper and louder, "Silence! I am King and I will choose a Queen who is worthy for our clan. How dare you disrespect me when each and every one of you did not even realize this human was in the demon realm, let alone IN OUR OWN CASTLE FOR DAYS."




Meliodas let more of his demonic aura out. He couldn't lie about enjoying the men around him struggling with his power. "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT YOUR FUTURE QUEEN BECAUSE OF HER UPBRINGING WHEN SHE HERSELF IS MORE POWERFUL THAN EACH OF YOU COUNCIL MEMBERS COMBINED!" He let out a scoff in disgust."

Odval was clearly on his last nerve, "with all due respect your majesty, how could a human possibly be that powerful?"

The blonde smirked at him, "because she's also a Dragonborn."


I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about the history of Dragonborns and getting a taste of our protective demon. This chapter was originally going to be combined with the next one but I decided we needed a Meliodas as King chapter. I wanted to get this out quick so it hasn't been reviewed. Let me know what you think! 

Update on the ten commandments- they will appear in this storyline but it might not be until the second book. We shall seeeee

As always, please vote, add to your library and reading lists, and follow for book updates. 

Future of the Demon Clan- Seven Deadly Sins (Meliodas x Reader) (Spicy)Where stories live. Discover now