I'm what?

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Y/n was exhausted after a very chaotic dinner with the sins. She was distraught initially but started opening up to the group towards the end. Back in their room, the two were getting ready for bed and preparing for an even more eventful day.

Meliodas started, "I have to get up early tomorrow since the peace talks are starting. There is an introduction ceremony at 8 am, and breakfast is at 7, but I have to meet with my advisors beforehand. We have a lot to discuss, so I must be down there by 5 am."

Y/n visibly shuddered while thinking about having to get up at 4 am.

"I'll try not to wake you when I leave. The first day is the busiest, so I probably won't see you until dinner, but I'll try to sneak off during lunch."

The h/c-haired girl stopped in her tracks. She took a shaky breath before speaking, "so that's it, huh?"

Meliodas stopped organizing his paperwork and looked at her with a confused face. "W-what do you mean?"

"I finally get a day not locked up. A day to get to know your friends, yet you still don't trust me. I understand that I was supposed to be a secret, but I thought we were past that."

"Y/n, I trust the sins with my life. That's why it was okay. Up until tomorrow, all the clans have been kept in separate wings of the castle. Most won't even arrive until tomorrow morning. On top of that, Arthur's guards were making sure no one could get close enough to see or hear you."

"So it was all a lie then.."

"I-I... I just wanted to give you freedom while still protecting you."

"Protecting me?" Y/n let out a scoff, "The only person you are protecting is yourself. If you trust the sins and Arthur with your life, then you would trust me to be free around here. Instead, you made my prison cell wider, then lied about it."

Meliodas was both sad and angry at her words. He was trying to protect her. "I was only trying to make this easier for you... but your right. The truth is, I wasn't only trying to protect you. I was also trying to protect my people and the peace among the clans. Do you have any idea what would happen if the other clans knew about your existence??"

Y/n's e/c eyes slowly started to turn into a deep, dark purple. "So that's your real plan here. I'm just a pawn for you to use against the other clans. And here I was starting to think that demons were good."

"No!" Meliodas visibly flinched at her harsh words. He hung his head low, hiding the tears forming in his eyes. "That's not what I meant.. the other clans are still struggling with demons being a part of this peace treaty. So if they found out about you and how much I care for you, you would be in incredible danger..." Meliodas looked into y/n's ferocious purple eyes, pleading with her. "I'm trying to protect you because I think I might be falling in love with you."

Y/n gasped and stumbled back, catching herself on a dresser. She understood now. She was being so selfish, so stupid. She continued to stare into Meliodas' eyes, taking in his expression. His bright emerald eyes were turning duller by the second and going from full of love to full of sorrow. She could tell by his eyes alone that he meant every word. Y/n ran to him, tackling the blonde into the biggest hug she could muster. "I'm so sorry, Meliodas."

They held each other, a million emotions running through them. Y/n couldn't help but feel she was starting to give herself up to him. The same way he has for me. "I-I think I might be falling in love with you too." Y/n's words were so quiet that she didn't think he would hear her. But Meliodas held her tighter and kissed the top of her head. "Will you please let me protect you?"

Future of the Demon Clan- Seven Deadly Sins (Meliodas x Reader) (Spicy)Where stories live. Discover now