Is this real?

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*Y/n's POV*

Before you could process what just happened, you were pulled into a hallway that seemed to appear out of nowhere. You had heard quite a bit about the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins through the time you used to spend helping out at the castle. However, this is the first time you have seen him in person, and you were completely unprepared for how handsome he was. You shook her head at this thought. You couldn't deny the small amount of fear you felt during your small first encounter. Small amount? No, you were terrified. You had no idea where you were and had just been looked at like you were a piece of meat by the King of the demon clan, who was hiding you. With this realization, you quickly jerked your hand away from his. Meliodas smirked and said, "follow me." Once again, you ~hesitantly~ obeyed, walking into a room at the end of the odd-looking hallway.

You looked around to see a massive room with a large bed against the main wall. Directly across from the bed was a sitting area that faced the bed. At the end of the room was a desk surrounded by large windows. There were two other doors on the same wall as the door you just walked into. Meliodas was already near the desk, looking through a cabinet. "Don't be shy. Make yourself at home." 

You slowly walked towards the sitting area and sat down on one of the couches, eyes not leaving him. He snapped his fingers, and the door they just came through shut and locked. You couldn't hide your terrified jump but got lucky as he was too busy at the desk to notice. 

"Would you like some whiskey?" He asked while pouring himself a glass. 

"Um, sure." What the hell is happening? This morning I was headed to town to go shopping, and now the demon king is making me a drink??? 

Meliodas was suddenly sitting across from you, on the same couch, handing her a glass. "I'm sorry, I never properly introduced myself. I'm Meliodas, King of the demon clan and captain of the Seven Deadly Sins." 

"I know who you are." 

"Oh, well, I guess that's not surprising." He flashed her a bright smile. "What's your name?"

"I'm Y/n, from the human realm, I guess."

Meliodas stared at her for a minute, then stated, "Y/n of the human realm. Not Y/n, the human. Interesting." 

??? You corrected yourself, "Y/n, the human from the human realm."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. "King Meliodas!" Meliodas walked to the door but didn't open it. "King Meliodas? I have your dinner." 

"Thank you; you are free to leave." You closely watched as Meliodas slowly opened the door to bring in a dinner cart. "Well, Y/n, you probably have many questions for me, so let's chat while we eat." He handed you his dessert plate and silverware off of the cart. Huh. No one knows I am here. You nodded at him in thanks as he split the food in half for you. 

Unable to take the silence anymore and out of curiosity, you asked, "Are you going to kill me? 

"Meliodas looked stunned, "kill you? No! I am just going to figure out how you were able to enter the demon realm, wipe your memory, and send you back to your home. At least that is the plan for now." 

"So there's a possibility you might kill me?" 

He frowned at you this time. "No. You have my word; I will not kill you. The goal is to fix our defenses and get you back home. However, there's just something about you that makes me want to get to know you better. So I might take my time with achieving that goal." 

You blushed a little at this. Does he want to get to know me?  Why? And why is he being so kind to me? "What will you do with me in the meantime then?" Shit. That was not supposed to come out like that. Fuck. He noticed. 

Meliodas' face was full of lust as he licked his lips, "what would you like me to do with you?" 

You couldn't hide your bright red face at this point. "No, I didn't mean it like that!" 

He chuckled, "sure you didn't." You looked down in embarrassment and tried to focus on finishing your dinner.

Once you were both finished, Meliodas cleaned up the dishes. "Since you are technically in hiding, you will be staying here with me. You can have my bed, and I will sleep on the couch." He pointed to one of the other doors in the room, "the bathroom is in there. It would help if you had everything you needed to wash up. I will lay out some clothes for you to sleep on the bed. I will finish up my work for today and be gone for an hour or so. In the meantime, DO NOT open the door for anyone, and do not leave this room. Understood?" 

"Yes, sir!" You said with a salute. He chuckled as you watched him leave the room. That was weird; the hallway looked completely different. You shook her head. It's been a long day; I'm probably just getting confused.

You opened the door to the bathroom to see another large room. It was much smaller than the bedroom but definitely larger than any bathroom you had seen. His and hers sinks lined the wall to the left and were sparkling clean. There was a large shower to your right and a cozy-looking bathtub across from her. You opted for a bath to relax and wrap your mind around the events. Although you were able to relax some, you couldn't help but feel the excitement starting to mix in with your fear. You had never been in a place as lovely as this. A small part of you felt on top of the world and hoped this wouldn't be wiped from your memory. 

After the bath, you stepped out of the bathroom into a sizeable cozy towel and quickly found the clothes Meliodas had laid out for you. It was only a t-shirt. You sighed at this but were too tired to care, slipping on his shirt before crawling into the massive bed. It only took a few minutes for you to fall asleep.

I know this short chapter could probably be at the end of the last. However, I wanted this to be separate as it is your first time being alone with your thoughts yet alone in meliodas's room (;

Future of the Demon Clan- Seven Deadly Sins (Meliodas x Reader) (Spicy)Where stories live. Discover now