7; here he is, leaving me when I need him most

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Lisa anxiously picks at the skin around her pale blue nails, the skin already torn from her nervous habit

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Lisa anxiously picks at the skin around her pale blue nails, the skin already torn from her nervous habit. Jungkook smirks down at her, cocking an eyebrow as he crosses his arms over his chest. 

"Why did you call me up here," she utters, pursing her lips in obvious annoyance.

"Lalisa Manoban," he drawls, saying her name slowly, pronouncing each syllable carefully and staring at her like she is the most interesting thing in the world, "I found out about the most interesting thing yesterday."

"This better not be a waste of my time," Lisa says coldly, almost sighing in relief when her voice doesn't crack and betray her nervous state. 

"Does the name Oh Sehun ring any bells?"

Lisa feels her body tense up at the name, but quickly hides her uncomfortable stance with a nonchalant one. Unfortunately for Lisa, Jungkook caught the flash of recognition and his smirk grows larger.

"I see you're acquainted with my dear friend," Jungkook drawls, "you wouldn't believe what he told me last night."

"I'm sure it's nothing important," Lisa replies, her picking growing faster as she stares into Jungkook's triumphant eyes.

"I actually found it very interesting," Jungkook states, his eyes flashing with amusement. He leans forward, his face lit up with a large grin.

"Well, what did you find out?" She asks, looking at Jungkook as if she doesn't have a care in world, the peeled skin around her nails showing quite the opposite. Jungkook smirks and leans forward, causing Lisa to inhale sharply as his scent suddenly fills her with nostalgia. 

His lips brush against her ear as she waits nervously for his answer, her finger peeling the skin around her thumbnail, a speck of blood falling and hitting the ground as he murmurs something to Lisa. Her eyes grow wide at his whisper and she stands in silent shock before her face contorts into distress. 

Jungkook smirks at the sight of her distress, feeling victorious before he brushes past her and leaves her to her destructive thoughts.

The faint feeling of butterflies she felt at the close proximity of Jungkook morphs into worms, squirming in her stomach. She collapses to the ground, biting her lip nervously before burying her head into her hands. 

Her thumb starts to bleed more, the crimson liquid smearing the side of her face as she chokes back a sob. 

What happened to the Jungkook who said he would never leave me, she sobs, but here he is, leaving me when I need him most.


Hyunjin steps out into the hallway, taking a deep breath and leaning against the wall. Both of his roommates, Taehyung and Jin, are driving him absolutely insane. The two of them are attempting to make teokkbokki and do karaoke at the same time, which was entertaining for about 5 seconds before Hyunjin remembered he hates loud noises and other people in general. 

He pushes himself off of the wall and makes his way around the corner of the hall, shoving his hands in his pockets and pulling out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. Pushing the glass doors open and breathing in the cold night air, he pauses a second and gazes up at the millions of stars speckling the shadowy, murky sky. 

He sighs, tiredly rubbing his eyes with his empty hand, and makes his way to a secluded part of the woods, a couple of feet away from a dull grey box that appears to be a garden shed. He perches himself under a tree and pulls out a cigarette. Flicking his lighter on and holding it to the butt of the cigarette, he watches as it slowly lights before holding it up to his lips.

He inhales sharply, the feeling of the smoke filling his lungs giving him silent joy. He started smoking two or three years ago, as a young kid who wanted to do something, anything, that would bring his parent's attention away from their work and onto him.

Of course, it didn't work and his parents barely noticed, or cared, and smoking became less for attention and more of a way for Hyunjin to remind himself that he's nothing but a tiny, insignificant human.

A scream suddenly pierces the silent night, cutting through the night air like a blade. Hyunjin's eyes widen and he stands frozen in shock, the cigarette dangling from his fingers. A second scream shakes Hyunjin from his frozen state, the voice high and horror-stricken. 

He runs frantically towards the voice, one thought pounding through his head. That's Yeji's voice. 

What happens next is all a blur to Hyunjin, but when he sees a man towering over Yeji who is curled up in a ball, helpless and scared, he is filled with a kind of rage he has never felt before.

He jumps forward, shoving the cigarette butt into the man's neck causing him to stagger backwards, screaming in pain, his knife clattering to the concrete. Yeji looks up at Hyunjin in relief, her eyes reflecting Hyunjin's, terror swirling through the depths of her pupils. 

Hyunjin moves to reach for Yeji, but a fist connects with his jaw. He staggers backwards in shock, clutching his jaw as he looks into the furious eyes of a masked man. The man grins, wiping the blood that splatters from Hyunjin's mouth off of his mask, causing it to smear. 

The blood creates lines that almost look like claw marks, Hyunjin notes before he closes his eyes, accepting his fate as the man pulls his arm back for another punch.

He then feels rain. Little droplets of liquid hit his face. As he opens his eyes he realizes it's not rain. Yeji stands in front of him, the knife that the murderer had dropped dripping in her hand and the man sprawled across the ground, scarlet blood pouring from his chest.

"You- you killed him."

i just want to be sure that you all know i do not condem any type of smoking in away

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i just want to be sure that you all know i do not condem any type of smoking in away. dont do drugs kids :)

what did you all think of this chapter?

im so so so sorry for not updating for so long, i promise im gonna try to more, schools just been a lot.

i love you all so so so much <33

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