Eve's pov;
Okayy let me first intrudce myself,
Hi i'm eve and my life is just one big mess..
Wanna know why??
Well.. let's start with the day that my dad has just passed away..
||'But you can't do this to me!... my dad just...p...p..passed away and now you wanne break up with me because of that?!!!'
'No!! Eve you don't understand!! It's too much! We're too much!!'
'What do you mean we're too much?! I gave you everything!! Everything !! Jack!! Everything!! So so so...'
'So what eve??'
'So so so so.... You can... you can't leave me.. you you can't break up with me......'
'And why is that??? Because you're dad just died give me a break eve!'
'What did you just say????'
'You heard me'
'Get OUT!!!!!'
'Get OUT jack!!!!!'
'Fine!!! And one more thing eve i have been cheating on you ! For like a month!!!'
'Get OUT right now!!! And never come back!!!'
*the door is slammed*
And that's one part of my life story now let's start with the present...
I'll tell the story about my mom later..
When everything was falling apart. 🖤
Fanfichi i'm Eve and my life was/is a mess.. I had friends..but not anymore Because they left when my dad passed away and also my ex boyfriend left me after that... And also my mom... she left me too and now?.. My life is just.... Well let's say that...