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The rain fell heavily, as he lay awake in bed listening to the storm. He rolled over and saw the love of his life still fast asleep. He smiled as he watched his gorgeous fiance sleep. He wanted to reach out and touch him, but didn't knowing he needed his sleep, so he was content doing his favourite thing to do, watch his fiance. He loved him with every beat of his heart, and in one month he'd marry him! Just the thought of being able to love him for the rest of their lives, after everything they've been through, brought tears to his eyes.

"You're crying! What's wrong baby boy?" The sleepy, yet concerned voice of his fiance spoke startling him.

"Happy tears, I promise!" He answered smiling, as his fiance smiled back before reaching out and put a hand on his cheek, using his thumb to gently wipe away the tears. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I was, but I had a feeling something was wrong with you!"

"You did, did you?" He asked smiling, as he put a hand over his fiance's.

"Yep! Call it my fiance intuition!" His fiance answered winking as he rolled onto his back.

"Have I told you lately Dean how much I love you?" He asked as he climbed onto Dean's lap, a leg on either side of him.

"You know me Seth, I'm more of a show than tell kind of guy!" Dean replied smiling. "I think you should show me how much!"

"Hmm...I think I can do that!" Seth said smiling, as he leaned down and began kissing Dean. "How was that?" He asked when the kiss ended, as he sat up.

"Perfect, just like you!" Dean answered smiling as he moved Seth's hair out of his eyes. "Come here baby boy!" Dean said moving over on his pillow, Seth got off him and laid down, sharing Dean's pillow. "Comfy?"

"Yep!" Seth answered kissing him.

"Good, let's get some more sleep. We don't have to be up for another couple of hours."

"Yeah, I need it. Someone kept me up most of the night!" Seth teased smiling.

"Oh really? I never heard you complaining!" Dean stated smiling too. "In fact, I think we need a repeat performance!" He added as he rolled over and began kissing Seth's neck.

"Not so fast Ambrose! We have to get some sleep!" Seth said trying not to give in.

"Sleep is for old men!" Dean answered as he continued kissing Seth's neck.

"In that case..." Seth began smiling, but Dean kissing his lips cut him off.

"Not. Another. Word!" Dean said smiling between kisses, before he returned to kissing Seth's neck.

"How about this word then...Roman!" Seth said, Dean stopped kissing his neck at the mention of their brother and Shield stablemate Roman Reigns, he put his forehead against Seth's shoulder as he spoke rubbing the back of his neck.

 "You really know how to kill the mood, don't you Two-Tones?" Dean said sighing as he flopped onto his pillow on his back, putting an arm over his eyes.

 "I'm sorry babe, but we have that match against the Wyatts and if we're not ready Ro will kill us!"

 "Yeah, you're right! Besides I happen to like my face the way it is!" Dean said smiling.

 "Me too!" Seth agreed smiling. "I'll make it up to you tomorrow!"

 "Yeah, you will! You owe me Rollins!" Dean relented as Seth lay his head on Dean's chest.

 "Deal! Night babe!" Seth said smiling.

 "Night Seth!" Dean said kissing Seth's head as they both drifted off to sleep.

**Days Later**:

 Days past in a hectic, busy blur between work and getting the wedding set up. Dean wanted to marry Seth, he really did, but when he proposed to him he figured that they'd get married in a simple ceremony, not a full blown, over the top thing! Seth took over everything about the wedding, making Dean feel like he wasn't good enough to choose anything; not that he wanted to spend three hours on what flowers to have...come on seriously who does that? It was the thought behind it Dean wanted to be included in, not the actual work, he had no patience for that! The old Dean would just not give a damn and go drinking until he was shit-faced! The new Dean however, hadn't drank in almost a year and happily took part in his life. Dean really wanted a simple ceremony, with only their closest friends and family there, he didn't see the point in doing all of this for one day! So, he'd drop little hints to Seth, commenting that smaller and simpler were better, but Seth wouldn't listen. Seth would brush Dean off with an 'I'll think about it' or 'I'll keep that in mind' before kissing him and sending Dean off to find Roman. It got to the point where Dean was beginning to resent the wedding, he was grateful he had Roman to vent to, he kept him sane! Two weeks before the wedding, while Seth and Summer Rae stayed at the hotel working on the wedding, Dean and Roman went out for coffee. After getting their order they headed for a table in the corner to talk, Roman knew how Dean felt about the wedding and had tried to get Seth to listen, but it was like talking to a brick wall! They sat across from each other, Dean sighed as he stirred his coffee, Roman hated seeing him like this and spoke.

 "Don't let this wedding stuff get to you D! Seth's, just being..." Roman trailed off not sure how to finish.

 "Seth!" Dean said smiling, before he rubbed his hands over his face.

 "Yep! Have you told him how you feel?" Roman asked having a drink of his coffee.

 "Um...not exactly." Dean answered having some of his coffee too.

 "What?" Roman asked smiling.

 "I've dropped hints, but never told him how I feel." Dean explained.

 "Dean, you need to tell him man!"

 "Nope!" Dean answered drinking his coffee.

 "Why not? You have every right to say something D!"

 "I just can't okay! Look, I want him to have the wedding of his dreams, it's the least I can do after the shit I put you guys through!" Dean answered.

 "Dean, I thought you let go of that guilt?" Roman asked gently.

 "I did...I mean I have!" Dean answered truthfully. "I just want him to have the wedding of his dreams as closure I guess."

 "Dean, don't forget it's your wedding too man!" Roman reminded him, Dean just laughed.

 "You ready to kick some Wyatt ass tonight?" Dean asked smiling changing the subject.

 "Oh yeah, I never get tired of kicking their asses!" Roman said as they laughed.

 Roman knew Dean well enough, to know that him changing the subject was his way of not having to deal with the problem. Roman knew not to push Dean, he'd come to him like he always did if he needed Roman. In the past, he'd be worried about Dean, afraid he'd do something stupid, now though he didn't have those fears, so he'd wait until Dean came to him. As they drank their coffee's some fans recognized them and came over to them asking for autographs and pictures, Dean and Roman were happy to spend time with them. An hour later, they decided to go back to the hotel and relax before they had to go to the arena.


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