Breaking Point

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**A Week Later**:

 The wedding was now only a week away; not that Dean could forget, it was all Seth thought or talked about. Dean tried being patient and understanding, but the constant wedding talk was driving Dean crazy! It got so bad he had called Maria his psychiatrist and she told him the same things Roman had, he knew they were both were right, but he still couldn't bring himself to do it. One night after Raw Dean had a shower while Seth went back to his wedding planning. When Dean finished, he came out to the main part of the room, he shook his head at Seth before he laid down on the couch turning on the TV.

 "Babe, do you think we should do the toasts before or after we eat?" Seth asked.

 "What do you want to do?" Dean asked, not really paying attention like usual.

 "I think before, but maybe we should wait until dessert?" Seth answered.

 "Sounds good to me!" Dean replied, still not listening.

 "I think we should forget the toasts and just screw on the table in front of everyone!" Seth said starring at Dean.

 "Yeah, sure whatever you...wait! What?" Dean asked turning off the TV as he sat up looking at Seth.

 "I knew you weren't listening to me!" Seth said upset.

 "One time I don't listen Seth, one time!" Dean defended himself. "I'm sorry if I'm exhausted and just want to relax after our match dammit!"

 "It hasn't been just one time Dean! I've been working my ass off to plan our perfect wedding and you haven't done a damn thing to help!" Seth yelled.

 "Really Seth? Our wedding?" Dean said laughing as he stood.

 "Yeah, Dean our wedding!" Seth repeated as he stood too.

 "Our wedding...right!" Dean said as he picked up some of Seth's papers off the table. "This...all of this, is what you want Sethie-boy! I want none of it, hell I don't even know what most of it is!" Dean said as he threw the papers at Seth. "Dammit Seth, I love you I really do, but all of this is completely insane! There's not a damn thing in this wedding that I want, and do you know why Seth? Every damn time I suggested something you blew me off like I was a damn child! I don't need any of this to prove I love you Seth, it's a waste of time! You wanted my opinion so bad Sethie, well now you've got it! If you forget who I' am, I'll be the guy at the alter wearing the damn suit you picked out for me, saying the words you wrote!" Dean yelled before he put his shoes and jacket on and stormed out. 

 Seth watched Dean leave, he let him go unable to think of anything to say. He picked up the papers and starred at them...had he gone overboard? Did he do everything Dean accused him of? Seth needed answers and the one person he knew he could count on to tell him the truth; no matter how much it hurt was Roman. He quickly put the papers on the table before he left and went to his brothers room knocking on the door. Seconds later Roman answered, he could tell something was wrong with Seth before his baby brother even opened his mouth. Once inside the room Roman sat on the couch, while Seth paced in front of him a few seconds later Seth finally spoke.

 "I...I think I screwed up Rome!"

 "What happened?"

 "Dean and I had a fight!" Seth said as he continued pacing.

 "About what?"

 "The wedding!"

 "Okay, Two-Tones, if you want me to help you're going to have to give me more than what you are!"

 "Sorry Ro." Seth said sitting beside him. "Dean and I fought over the wedding. He thinks I've gone overboard with it, he told me I haven't put anything he wants into the wedding."

 "Have you?"

 "Have I what?" Seth asked confused.

 "Have you asked him what he wants and put it into the wedding?"

 "Of course I have, I've put...there's the...I know, there's the...I'm an idiot!" Seth said putting his hands over his face realizing what he's done.

 "Seth, look Dean's a simple guy, you know that! He doesn't need a huge, flashy wedding, he just needs you! I get it Seth I really do, you only get one wedding and you want it to be special, but do you really need all that stuff to have the perfect wedding? Dean hates all of it, there's not one thing about it he likes and yet he said nothing!" Roman said putting a hand on Seth's shoulder. "He said nothing because he loves you and wants you to have the wedding of your dreams."

 "What?" Seth asked feeling worse than he already did.

 "Seth, he tried to tell you over and over he didn't want any of this, hell I tried, but you were so wrapped up in planning the perfect wedding you lost sight of what's truly important...your love for each other."

 "What...what if I blew it and he doesn't want to marry me anymore?"

 "Talk to him Seth, listen to him! It'll work out I know it!" Roman reassured him.

 "I will, thanks Rome!" Seth said hugging him. "I've got to find him, I'll see you tomorrow. Night Ro!"

 "Night Seth!"

 After leaving Roman's room Seth rushed back to their's calling for Dean, but received no answer. He quickly threw his shoes on, he had to find Dean and beg for his forgiveness, how could he have been so stupid! As he stood he spotted the plans for the wedding and picked them up, he starred at them angrily before he crumpled them up and threw them in the garbage on his way out the door.


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