Adoption Time

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**Days Later**:

 Days past and Seth didn't give up on convincing Dean they were ready for kids. Seth knew how scared Dean was of becoming his father. It hurt Seth because he knew Dean would make an incredible father, he only wished Dean would have more confidence in himself. One night after Smackdown as they left the arena, they were stopped in the parking lot by some fans. As Dean signed autographs he looked over at Seth and Roman who were talking to some kids and Dean saw Seth in different way. He joined them and the kids were excited to see him too and really liked him, and it made him wonder if maybe having a little Dean or Seth running around; or maybe both, wouldn't be so bad? He decided to tell Seth and Roman that night at the hotel. Later at the hotel, after they all showered and changed the three of them were sitting watching TV, Dean looked at them and knew he couldn't wait any longer.

 "Guys, I've been doing a lot of thinking!"

 "Uh, oh Two-Tones! This isn't a good thing, our Deano thinking!" Roman teased as he turned off the TV, all three smiled.

 "Shut it asshole!" Dean said as he threw a pillow at him, hitting him in the face. "This is serious!"

 "It must be if you're thinking!" Seth added earning him a pillow to the face too as all three laughed.

 "Ha, ha it's laugh a minute with Rollins and Reigns!" Dean said as he got up. "That's fine, I guess neither of you comedians want to hear my decision on having a kid!" He said as he walked towards the bed.

 "FREEZE AMBROSE!" Seth yelled as he got up and ran at Dean tackling him from behind, knocking them onto the bed. "You made a decision?" Seth asked smiling as Dean pushed him off and sat up.

 "Yep!" Dean answered as Roman joined them on the bed.

 "And?" Seth and Roman said together.

 "You know I'm really tired, I think I'll just go to..."

 "Oh no, you don't Ambrose!" Seth said cutting him off. "What did you decide?"

 "Okay, after a lot of thinking I decided maybe it wouldn't be so bad having a mini me running around!"

 "Are you serious?" Seth asked excitedly.

 "Yeah, I'm still scared to death, but I have you and Rome and like you said I'm nothing like my old man!" Dean answered smiling.

 "This is incredible! You're incredible!" Seth said kissing Dean. "I love you so much!"

 "I love you too Seth!"

 "Look at my baby brothers! Acting all grown up! Married, and getting ready to have a kid! Makes a big brother proud!" Roman said hugging them.

**A Week Later**:

 Seth didn't know what changed Dean's mind about having a kid, but he wasn't going to ruin it by asking and possibly scaring Dean off the idea. The next day Seth called the local adoption agency in their town to set up an appointment for their next day off. A week later it was appointment day, Dean had spent all morning picking something out to wear that would make a good impression. He was so nervous that he drank three cups of coffee before Seth was even dressed. Seth drove them to the agency, he wanted to arrive there in one piece, and if Dean had drove his nerves would have caused him to crash. A half hour later they sat in an office waiting for the interview to start; they had faxed the agency back all the paperwork they had to fill out two days ago. Dean was so nervous he bounced his leg up and down as he tapped his fingers on his legs.

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