A Perfect Fit Times Two

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**The Next Day**:

 Dean barely slept the night before, and the next morning he was nervous and excited, but the thought of finding their child today made his heart beat fast. Did he make a mistake agreeing to this? He couldn't do this, he had to tell Seth he had changed his mind!

 "Dean? You okay babe?" Seth asked coming into the kitchen, Dean was sitting at the kitchen table starring into his now cold coffee.

 "Seth, I...I'm freaking out!" Dean answered as he got up and walked to the living room, Seth followed.

 "What's wrong?"

 "I...I don't know if I'm ready to be a father yet Seth! What if I screw up huh? What if the kid hate's me? Or..."

 "Or what if you're a great father?" Seth said gently cutting him off. "Come here baby." Seth said opening his arms, Dean went and hugged him. "Dean, baby you need to give yourself a break! You're not your father, you're Dean Ambrose; my husband, and the soon to be father of our child! You have overcome so much, and I'm so, so proud of you!" Seth said kissing him.

 "I don't know what I did to deserve you Seth, but I'm so glad I have you!" Dean said holding him close.

 "Come on, we have to get going." Seth said kissing him.

**Twenty Minutes Later**:

 Seth drove while Dean tried to get his nerves under control, he bit his nails as he starred out the window. They soon arrived and parked, Seth looked at Dean who was still biting his nails, he smiled sadly at Dean before he spoke.


 "Yep!" Dean answered smiling.

 "I love you Dean, relax and remember no pressure okay?" Seth said kissing him.

 "I love you too, and okay."

 They got out and went to the front doors of the orphanage, they were about to knock when they heard Ashley call to them.

 "Dean, Seth good morning!" She said smiling as she joined them.

 "Ashley, good morning!" Seth said smiling.

 "Morning." Dean greeted her smiling.

 "Alright dad's, follow me and hopefully you'll find your son or daughter today!"

 "We're so excited!" Seth said taking Dean's hand as they went inside.

 The orphanage was large, and well cared for; completely not what either of them expected. They followed Ashley through the building, they stopped outside a room labelled Nursery and they went inside. The children in the nursery ranged from newborn, to a year; there were six of them and all of them were so cute. They met each child, spending time with them, and Dean quickly realized this wasn't the age for him! Their squishy, little bodies felt awkward in his hands and he was afraid of dropping them. Seth must have noticed his nervousness because he made an excuse and they left the room. They went around the orphanage meeting the kids that weren't in school, as they did Dean began to feel bad, he hadn't made a connection with any of the kids they met and he was disappointed. He needed to clear his head, so he told Seth and Ashley he was going to check out the backyard and left. He wandered around outside watching the kids play, imaging them with him and Seth...and none of them fit. Sighing he sat down and rubbed his hands over his face, he looked around again and spotted two little kids both with brown, curly hair; the girl's in tiny pigtails playing by the sandbox. He watched them for a few minutes curious that despite the other kids around, they only played with each other. He got up and went over to them, he sat down beside them and they both looked at him smiling, it was obvious they were twins. Looking into their big, blue eyes his heart melted and he knew he had found them!

 "Hi, I'm Dean."

 "Me Ollie, she my sisfer Liv!" Ollie said smiling.

 "That's a cool ball! Can I play with you?" Dean asked.

 "Yay! Play ball!" Liv said smiling as she threw the ball to Dean.

 Dean lost track of time as he played with Ollie and Liv, he adored them and they loved him. They were still playing when Seth and Ashley came looking for him. They heard laughter and followed it to find Dean holding both kids as he spun around all three laughing. Seth had tears in his eyes as he watched Dean bond with the two kids.

 "That's incredible!" Ashley said quietly.

 "What is?" Seth asked as he fixed himself.

 "Those kids with Dean, are Oliver and Olivia, they're twins and only two years old. They were left here by their parents when they were a week old. No one wants to adopt two babies, so they tried adopting them out separately when they were younger." Ashley explained.

 "What? That's horrible!" Seth said shocked. "Obviously it didn't work out, what happened?"

 "Well, anytime they were separated they would cry until they were back together. So, they gave up and tried to adopt them together. They never opened up to prospective parents though, always shy and afraid. Even with the other children here they keep to themselves, it breaks everyone's heart because they really are the sweetest, little things! Seeing them with Dean...it's incredible!"

 "So is Dean!" Seth said smiling proudly as they watched him spin the kids again before falling to the ground on his back as the kids climbed all over him, all three laughing.

 "Seth, Ashley!" Dean said smiling, as he looked up at them from the ground just as Ollie sat on his face, while Liv jumped onto his stomach. "Alright, alright I give!" He said as he got up off the ground picking both kids up as he did and walked up to Seth and Ashley.

 "Who that?" Liv asked smiling looking at Seth, as she played with Dean's face.

 "This is Seth, my husband! Seth, this is Ollie and Liv!"

 "Funny hair!" Ollie said smiling as he reached out to Seth, smiling Seth took him.

 "Me too, me too!" Liv said reaching for Seth too.

 "Well, I see you two have made some new friends!" Ashley said to Dean and Seth.

 "Sef, play too?" Liv asked smiling as she played with his face.

 "Sure!" He agreed.

 "I'll leave you four to play, I have something to, but I'll see you guys later!" Ashley said smiling as she left.

 Dean and Seth played with Ollie and Liv for over an hour, Seth fell in love with them as much as Dean, and the twins loved Seth just as much! By the time they had to leave, both men knew they wanted to bring both kids home as part of their family. As they said their goodbyes, both kids cried not wanting them to leave, it broke Dean and Seth's hearts and they promised they'd be back soon. Outside the orphanage they told Ashley about wanting to adopt them, she was so happy and told them to follow her back to her office so they could start the paperwork. On the way Seth filled Dean in on what Ashley told him about the kids, and it only made them want the kids more. At the office they started the paperwork and she reminded them about the long process; full of home interviews, interviews with family, a couple supervised visits with the kids and lots of paperwork. She also reminded them she'd be there every step of the way. They told her they'd do whatever it took to bring the kids home!

 After leaving Ashley's office, they went home and called Roman to come over, he arrived a few minutes later. They told him everything and he offered to help anyway they needed him to, they then called Eddie and Will, and they too offered their help. That night as they lay in bed, Dean couldn't stop thinking of the twins, as he did his doubts slowly crept into his heart as he remembered everything Ashley had said about the process. He wouldn't give up though, he'd fight, jump through everyone of their hoops to bring the twins home with them where they belonged.


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