Chapter 15

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This chapter will begin the 2nd arc of the story.

(2 years later ...)
(Kris POV)
Kris sat in her office as she watched the beautiful scene before her. The sun was setting and the sky had turned an orange pinkish color.

Kris turned away from the window to face her desk. Kris still wore the same clothes she had shown off to Free a couple years ago. On her desk sat Turbo Fafnir in a glass case. Kris had given up blading awhile back she had decided that it was too difficult to run BC Sol and blade at the same time.

Kris attention then shifted to the engagement ring on her finger and her heart began going into overdrive thinking about her fiancé.

He had proposed to her a month ago and since then the two of them had been planning the wedding. Kris was so happy that she had ended up with a man who had been there for her through so much.
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(Free POV)
Free carried an ax over his shoulder as he stopped at a tree stump and put a log down on it and split it down the middle making firewood for himself.

Free did this until he had enough wood before heading back to where he was staying.

Free was currently in a forest in the United States. Not even Free was exactly sure where he was, he just needed to get away from everything.

It had been a year since Free had left BC Sol breaking up with Kris and breaking her heart in the process.

Free knew it was for the best, but he couldn't forgive himself for doing that to Kris. So that's why he had decided to isolate himself in the forest.

Free finally finished his journey as he entered the log cabin where he stayed. It was small, but cozy with a bed, a table to eat at, a fireplace and a desk in the corner.

Free set the ax down next to the fireplace and added the firewood to the fireplace as he got a fire going and began to cook his dinner.

As his dinner cooked, Free moved to the desk where bey parts and bey tools were scattered. "It's almost done." Free thought to himself as he examined his project and began to get back to work on it.

"I wonder how Kris is doing? I hope she's doing well and happy. She's fine, I shouldn't worry Valt and the others are there to watch after her I did the right thing to keep her safe." Free thought as he continued to work on the project.

I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter, I kept it a little shorter to give you a tease of what the new part of the story will be like. Please leave feedback that would be appreciated.

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