Chapter 3

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"Glass." Free muttered. "Mr. De La Hoya good to see you again."Theodore Glass said. "What are you doing here." Free asked angrily. "Well if I'm not mistaken I said I would make your life miserable." Theodore Glass said. "Not interested." Free said as he started to walk away. "So you're turning down a challenge?" Theodore Glass asked. "I didn't say that." Free said as he turned around. "You will lose to my ultra shadow nemesis."Theodore Glass said. "I doubt that." Free said. "Let's go." Theodore Glass said. "3,2,1 let it rip!!!" They both yelled. Nemesis started to hit Fafnir with a series of attacks. "That won't do anything."Free said. "I know." Theodore Glass said smiling. "Fafnir end this with nothing break." Free said. Fafnir sped away from nemesis and delivered the hit. Nemesis landed outside of the stadium without bursting. "It didn't burst." Free said gritting his teeth.

Theodore Glass just smiled. "Let's go round 2."Theodore Glass said. "3,2,1 let it rip!!" They both yelled. Nemesis again started out with the series of attacks. "Fafnir hit it with nothing break again." Free yelled. "Boy you're playing right into my hand." Theodore Glass said. (Meanwhile with Kris) Kris was sitting in her office just thinking about how Free was doing, when Kit knocked on her door. "Come in." Kris said. "You need to see this." Kit said as he shown her his tablet which had Free and Theodore Glass on it. "Free and Glass are battling?" Kris asked. "Yeah."Kit said. "Frees got this." Kris said. This both turned to watch the battle. "Boy you are playing right into my hand." Theodore Glass said. "What?" Free asked shocked . "I just need Fafnir to get off the defensive so I could attack." Theodore Glass said. Then Free's eyes widened once he realized.

"Free get out of there!" Kris yelled. "Nemesis special move Armageddon!" Theodore Glass yelled. Free then pushed to his limit with his veins pulsing. "Fafnir hit with drain spin." Fafnir and Nemesis clashes power against power, unfortunately for Free Nemesis won the clash and Fafnir burst. Free was shocked, but he couldn't stay shocked for long Nemesis' attack had a blast that threw Free back and he was hanging off the edge of the cliff with Fafnir in hand. "Free hang on." Kris said. Just then the drone camera that was recording the battle cut out. "Free, Free!" Kris yelled. This isn't good. Kit said.

(With Free) Free was hanging onto the edge of the cliff and Theodore Glass walked up to him looking down at him. "You're not going to turn me into one your snake pit bladers." Free said. Theodore Glass then laughed, "You thought I would turn into a snake pit blader, some of your teammates will do much better than you." Theodore Glass said. "You stay away from my teammates, I'll warn them." Free said angrily. "Free de la Hoya you could have been special if you listened to me, but you didn't. Also about warning your teammates you won't, honestly I don't think you'll do anything ever again." Theodore Glass said as he stomped on Free's hand and Free started his free fall.

(With Kris) Kit was able to get the video working and what they saw horrified them, they saw Free falling off the cliff. "Free no!" Kris screamed. They just saw Free disappear into the forest. Then the video ended. "Free..."Kit muttered, Kit then looked at Kris to see her reaction since Free and her were close. She was just staring off into space. "Kit what are the chances that Free survived that fall?" Kris asked her voice shaky. "Very slim to none." Kit said just looking down. "Can I have a minute?" Kris asked. "Sure." Kit said as he left her office. Once he left Kris just broke down crying. "Free please be ok." Kris choked out between sobs.

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