Chapter 7

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Kris I know I don't say it enough, but I love you so much. Free said. I love you too. Kris said as they kissed on the lips. Gross get a room guys we're in public. Kit said. Free and Kris pulled apart and turned bright red, they were in the El Astro dugout. Should we focus on our opponents now? Daigo asked. Yeah, sorry guys. Free said giving them a sheepish smile. Ok Rickson you're going first, then Kit and then Daigo if we have to. Free said. Then the announcer interrupted I have some news across the beyblade world top 5 blader in the world Free De La Hoya and the owner of BC Sol Kris Kuroda are dating. The announcer said as Kris and Free turned bright red. How does he know? Kris asked. Maybe it was because you guys were kissing in the dugout. Shu said. In response to this Kris and Free both looked down while Kit laughed, Rickson smiled and Daigo showed a rare smile. Ok the battle is starting. The announcer said. Go get em Rickson. Kit said as Rickson walked onto the battle area. Rickson had gotten through 2 bladers and got two points on the third blader, but he was exhausted. His bey had just burst, Hey ref time out. Free called as he walked up to Rickson. Hey I'm taking you out. Free said. No I can keep going. Rickson said. You're out of energy, I might put you in later, but you need a breather. Free said. Ok. Rickson said in defeat as he walked off with Free. Kit you're up. Free said. Ok. Kit said as he walked up the stage. Kit was able to defeat the rest of the bladers. Great job Rickson, great job Kit. Free said congratulating them. As he high fived them and once he did he winced at the pain in his ribs, but Free did the best to hide the pain. Thanks Free. They both said. Let's head back to BC Sol. Kit said as Rickson, Daigo, and Shu followed him talking about the match. You're still hurting. Kris said. No I'm ok. Free said turning to Kris trying to get her not to worry. I saw you wince, I don't want you to hurt yourself again. Kris said. Kris you don't have to worry, I won't rush myself. Free said. Come on let's head back to BC Sol. Free said. Ok let's go. Kris said as she grabbed Free's hand. Once they arrived at BC Sol they saw they were going up against Sunbat United. That's going to be tough since Wakiya has a good team. Shu said. It seems like we'll all have to blade. Daigo said. You're right, I expect  we will all go. Free said. Ok we'll be ready. Kit said. Everyone ate dinner in the cafeteria. After dinner, you ready to train Kris? Free asked. Yup, let me change first. Kris said as she headed to her room and Free headed outside to wait. Once Kris got out there she started to swing from tree to tree while Free walked next to her to keep her on task. Come on Kris focus. Free said. Ok Free. Kris breathed out as she continued to swing from tree to tree. Ok that's good Kris take a breather then swing back and you'll be done. Free said. Free was happily surprised that Kris had caught on so quickly and was doing well in training. Free what will happen if the 5 of us lose? Kris asked. That won't happen with Shu and Daigo. Free said. But what if it does? Kris asked. Then that means I will have to battle. Free said. But Free even if we make it to the championship you can't push yourself to your limits without injuring yourself. Kris said. Kris if I blade I have to push myself to my limits there are more important things than me. Free said. Come on now back to training. Free said happily. Kris was so happy that Free was being so happy and friendly the last time that she had seen Free this happy was when they were little. Kris had just finished swing from tree to tree, she had been doing sprints in the mornings and swinging from tree to tree after dinner. You're doing really well. Free said. Thanks Free. Kris said. I'm going to go hit the shower. Kris said. Ok I'm going to go mediate. Free said. After about 15 minutes of Free mediating, Free heard a new noise. You can come out now. Free said not even opening his eyes. So you were able to tell I was here Free De La Hoya impressive. Phi said as he appeared from the bushes. I've heard a lot about you. Free said as he turned to look at Phi. I'm honored, you seem worthy of destroying. Phi said. You're not destroying anything. Free said. Oh really, I would battle with you, but you're injured and I don't battle weak prey. Phi said. Ok you can leave BC Sol now. Free said. Oh I'm not here for you I'm here to battle Kris Kurado it going to be amazing when I destroy her. Phi said. You're not going anywhere near her. Free said as he got in Phi's way. So you're going to battle me? Phi asked. If it means keeping Kris safe I'll do anything. Free said. Ok let's go Mr. De La Hoya. Phi said as he led the way to the stadium. 3,2,1 let it rip!! They both yelled as Phoenix and Fafnir launched. Fafnir took up a defensive position as Phoenix started to attack, but Fafnir kept picking up speed. Now Fafnir Geist spin. Free yelled as Fafnir knocked Phoenix back. Phoenix break! Phi yelled as Phoenix smashed into Fafnir. Fafnir Absorb Br- -. Free cried as his ribs exploded in pain. Fafnir was knocked out of the ring. Free was shocked. So you can't use your special move? Phi asked with a giant smile. It doesn't matter I'll still win. Free said. You won't Mr. De La Hoya. Phi said as Free gritted his teeth. 3,2,1 let it rip!! They both yelled. Fafnir took up the middle as Phoenix started to attack. Not going to do anything. Free said. In that case Phoenix break! Phi yelled. As Phoenix was attacking, Free knew what he needed to do. Fafnir absorb break! Free yelled as he fell to his knees in pain due to his ribs. Fafnir was able to get away from Phoenix and knocked off pheonix's armor. You are playing right into my hand. Phi said smiling evilly. Free's eyes widen in shock. (With Kris) I wonder where Free is? It's past curfew Free is never late for curfew. Kris thought to herself as she was walking outside around BC Sol. Just then she saw a figure walking out of the forest. Free is that you? Kris asked as she saw his silhouette. Nope. Phi said. Oh it's you what are you doing here? Kris said angrily. I was coming here to destroy you, Shu and Daigo, but Free stopped me so I destroyed him instead. Phi said smiling evilly. What did you do to Free? Kris asked worriedly. I destroyed him and now that I did that, I'm gone. Phi said as he walked past Kris and BC Sol and disappeared into the distance.

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