Chapter 2

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(In the morning) Kris woke up to find Free gone and a note on the table that says gone out be back - Free. "Free better not be practicing."Kris said angrily. Kris quickly walked down the hall and almost walked right into Free. "Free what were you doing, you weren't training we're you?"Kris asked. "No I got breakfast."Free said as he showed Kris the plates of that he was carrying. "Oh thanks Free."Kris said. "No problem Kris, you might want to change out of your pajamas."Free said. Kris looked down turned red and ran into her room to change. Free walked into the office laughing, Kris quickly came into the office after she changed. "You got me pancakes?"Kris asked excitedly. "I remembered that they are your favorite." Free said.

Over the next couple days Kris and Free spent a lot of time together as Free's arm healed. When Free's arm was healed he decided to go on a training mission. "Kris I'll be back in a month and the world tournament doesn't start for 2 months."Free said. "Ok Free be careful."Kris said. "I will."Free said as he left BC Sol. The next day Valt, Silas, Cuza, and Rantaro decided that they wanted to go on a training mission. Kris had become bored over these past two days since Free had gone. Kris was just watching the team battle bored. "Kris there's something I need to show you."Raul said.

"Ok."Kris said as she followed Raul to his workshop downstairs. "You seem out of it lately."Raul said. "I don't know it feels like something is missing."Kris said. "I think it may be someone not something."Raul said. Kris turned red and looked down immediately. "You're missing Free aren't you?" Raul asked. "How'd you know?"Kris asked. "You were spending a lot with Free and you seemed happy." Raul said. "You're right, but please don't tell anyone."Kris said. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me."Raul said. "Speaking of Free he wanted me to give this to you."Raul said as he opened up a case inside it was a bey and a launcher. "That bey is turbo Fafnir."Raul said. (The bey was pink and partly gold in some spots with a pink launcher as well). "Why are you giving this to me?"Kris asked. "Free asked me to make you a bey that you would like, and he left you a note."Raul said. So that's what Free did early in that morning. He handed Kris the note and it red Hey Kris I hope you like the gift that I left for you. When I get back we can battle, try not to miss me too much. - Free. Kris laughed at the end, Free rarely showed his funny side, but he was pretty funny when he did. "You ready to test it?"Raul asked. "Now?" Kris asked surprised. "If not now when would you do it?"Raul asked. "Ok fine."Kris said as grabbed Fafnir and the launcher while heading upstairs to the outside stadium with Raul following behind.

As Kris prepared to launch she started to fumble with the launcher. "Don't be nervous."Raul said. "Don't worry I'm not."Kris said as launched perfectly. "Wow that was amazing where did you learn that?"Raul asked. "Well I did grow up with Free."Kris said smiling. "Let's go test it in a battle."Raul said as he led the way inside the training area. Kris defeated almost everyone inside the training area. "Wow Kris I didn't know you were this strong of a blader."Sasha said. "Well I did grow up with Free."Kris said smiling. "I didn't know you had a bey."Honey said. "Free left it for me as a gift before he left."Kris said. "Let's battle Kris." Rickson said. "Ok let's go." Kris as she walked to the stadium with him. "3,2,1 let it rip!"They both yelled. "Go attack!"Rickson yelled as his bey began a series of attacks on Fafnir. "Just wait for it Fafnir." Kris thought to herself. "Now finish it!" Rickson yelled. "Now Fafnir go with turbo claw!" Kris yelled. Everyone was in awe they didn't know that Kris had a Fafnir bey like Free. Fafnir was able to burst Rickson's bey. "Kris wins with a burst win." Raul said. "Good battle Kris."Rickson said. "You too." Kris said.

"Kris can I talk to you?" Sasha asked. "Sure." Kris said as she followed Sasha outside. LWhat did want to talk about?" Kris asked. "Oh nothing I just think that's weird the Free would give you a Fafnir bey." Sasha said. Kris just kept her eyes down. "Also you seem to acting weird now that Free is gone." Sasha said. "I don't know what you're talking about." Kris said as she was turning red. "You like Free don't you?" Sasha asked. "Yeah I do." Kris said admitting it. "Well that's good you two would be a good match." Sasha said. "Thanks, but I don't know if he likes me back."Kris said. "I don't know if he likes you back either he's tough to read, but I'll help you find out." Sasha said. "Thanks Sasha." Kris said.

(With Free day 4 of training mission) Free was swinging from tree to tree Free suddenly lost his concentration and fell. "What's that Fafnir?" Free asked as he looked at the bey in his hand. "I don't know it just feels like something is missing." Free said. Then he came to the realization. "It's Kris I'm missing, what are the chances that she would want to date me. She got better choices already lining up to date." Free muttered. Then Free just screamed out in frustration of losing Kris. (2 weeks later) Free was climbing up a cliff while he was trying to not think of Kris so he could train. Once Free reaches the top of the cliff he realized that he wasn't alone.

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