Chapter 4

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(With Free) As Free was falling he tried to aim for a tree and he hit one to try to minimize the injuries he would sustain. Free finally hit the ground in a pool of blood unable to move due to his injuries and passed out due to the pain.

(With Kris) Kris had gathered all the bladers together. "I'm going to take Kit, Sasha, and Honey with me to go find Free.Rickson you and Raul watch over BC Sol, while we're gone." "Ok guys let's go."Kris said as she walked out followed by Sasha, Honey, and Kit who grabbed a medical stretcher.

(With Free) Free woke up and remembered that he had to warn his teammates. I need to warn them. Free said as he start to pull himself across the forest. Soon he heard a bush rustling, and his friend the deer popped out. "Hey buddy." Free said trying to smile. "Please take this to Kris for me." Free said as he gave the deer his gauntlet. As the deer took it in its mouth and walked off to find Kris, Free passed out.

(With Kris) Kris and the others had been looking through the forest for about 30 minutes, when they heard a bush rustling. Out came the deer, "Hi buddy. "Kris said petting him and he dropped Free's gauntlet into her hand. "Is it - -?" Sasha asked. "Yup that's Free's gauntlet." Kit said as Kris held it tightly in hand. "Can you take us to Free?" She asked the deer. The deer led them in the forest for 10 minutes until they came upon a pool of blood. "Free please be ok." Kris whispered to herself. "Is it Free's?" Kit asked. "It looks like it." Sasha said as they followed the trail of blood until they came to the end of the trail and what they saw something that had them all in tears.

It was Free passes out laying there in a new pool of blood with a split opened head, 3 broken ribs, internal bleeding and a broken arm. "Free." Kris said as she knelt down next to him. "Free please be ok." Kris said as tears spilled from her eyes. Kit, Honey, and Sasha were all crying too. Kris' tears hit Free and he opened up his eyes. "Hey Kris." Free said groggily. "Free you're alive!" Kris exclaimed happily. "Come on Kris you didn't think that would kill me." Free said as he trying to laugh, but instead coughed up blood. "Free don't talk just rest we'll help you."Kris said as she gently grabbed him under the armpits and left him up so Kit could slide the stretcher under Free. "Sasha Honey run ahead to the BC Sol infirmary and tell the doctors to get ready for Free."Kris said.

Both Honey and Sasha nodded as they took off running. Kris and Kit (who has hit his growth spurt at this point) picked up the stretcher. As they were taking Free back to BC Sol, Free opened his eyes and turned to Kris. "Kris." Free said weakly. "Free please don't talk, you need to rest." Kris said sweetly. "Kris I need to tell you something." Free said seriously with his eyes wide with fear. Kris noticed this. "What is it Free?" Kris asked. Glass said he was going after some of the bladers from BC Sol. Free said. "Oh no Valt, Cuza, Rantaro, and Silas went on a training mission." Kris said. "Valt is there he should be able to take Glass." Free said weakly before he passed out. "Free, Free!" Kris said as she felt for a pulse it was really slow. "Kit hurry Free's pulse is slowing down." Kris said as they both started to run. They got Free to the BC Sol infirmary quickly as the doctors took to the ER.

Kris and Kit were waiting in the waiting room with the rest of the bladers. Sasha sat next to Kris who looked like a mess all the crying she had done. Then the doctors came out to tell the team the news "we have stabilized his pulse and breathing, but Mr. De La Hoya has suffered mild skull fracture along with a broken arm, 3 broken ribs, internal bleeding and he slipped into a mild coma. All that said Mr. De La Hoya is lucky to be alive." The doctor said. Kris had tears slipping from her eyes tears of sadness and joy, sadness that Free was having to deal with all these injuries, but joy that Free was alive and ok. "You guys can go see him now." The doctor said. The whole team walked into Free's room to see him. Free was unconscious on his bed in a hospital gown, his arm was in a cast along with bandages wrapped around his head and hooked up to machines to monitor his vitals. Kris pulled up a chair next to his bed while the rest of the team just stood or sat on the couches after about a half hour Sasha told Kris that it was getting late and they were heading back to their rooms/ blading area.

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