Chapter 12

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"This tournament is turning into a 3 team race, with the Raging Bulls, SB Rios, and BC Sol all being 2-0 while Sunbat United, AS Gallus, and Top Wand are all 0-2." The announcer said on the T.V as the members of BC Sol watched from Kris's office. "What team is up next Kris?" Daigo asked. "AS Gallus." Kris responded. "We'll destroy these traitors." Daigo mumbled to himself. "It shouldn't be that big of a deal they're 0-2 right?" Shu asked. "Well their captain Hyde hasn't shown up to either match so far." Free said. "Wait you're kidding right?" Kit asked. "No this guy hasn't shown up to a single match." Free said. "Well there is no data on this guy but there are rumors that he is as good as Phi." Kris said. Free put his head down as soon as he heard the name Phi. "Ok guys let's get to training." Kris said as she led the bladers out of her office. No one noticed as Free walked outside.

(Free POV) "I need to be ready for the battle." Free said as he swung from tree to tree. Free continued to do this for 30 minutes until he jumped down. "Ok good no pain let's get to launching." Free thought to himself as he headed to the stadium and started launching.

(Kris POV) Kris and the rest of the team had been practicing for the last 2 hours, before Kris ended practice for the day and everyone went to have dinner. "You ready to get dinner Free." Kris asked as she looked to where Free normally sat. "Huh that's weird he's normally always there." Kris thought to herself. "Maybe he already went to dinner." Kris said to herself as she headed to the cafeteria. "Marge have you seen Free?" Kris asked. "No I can't say I have." Marge said. "Ok thank you Marge I'll check his room." Kris said as she headed to Free's room. She saw that his room was empty. "He better not be training while he is still injured." Kris said as she headed to the stadium. As Kris headed to the stadium she could hear the sounds of launching and a bey racing in a stadium. She saw Free looking better than he had in awhile. "Are you sure it's best to be training while you're still hurt?" Kris asked. "Kris I'm only a week or two away from recovery, I'm only limited when I go all out, you want to battle?" Free asked with a slight smirk. "I don't want you to hurt yourself Free." Kris said. "So you think you can push me to the limit?" Free asked. "You're so on let's go." Kris said.

(Free POV) 3,2,1 let it rip!!! They both yelled. "Fafnir take the center." Kris said. "Cut it off Fafnir." Free said calmly as Fafnir took the center. "Fafnir knock it right out of the center." Kris yelled as Fafnir tried to move Fafnir out of the center. "Not going to work Fafnir knock it back." Free said as Fafnir knocked Fafnir into the wall. "Now stay on the offensive." Free said as Fafnir kept attacking Fafnir. "What am I going to do?" Kris asked herself as she was overwhelmed by the series of attacks. "Fafnir what am I going to do?" Kris said as she stared at Fafnir as she felt helpless. "Don't give up!" Free said. Kris looked up at Free. "Fafnir hasn't stopped fighting so you shouldn't either." Free said. "Free's right, I won't give up." Kris thought to herself. "Fafnir break away from it, and finish it with Turbo Tempest!" Kris yelled as Fafnir sped towards Fafnir. "So we're getting serious ok." Free said as the veins started to pulse. "Fafnir hit it with absorb break!" Free yelled. Both Fafnirs clashed together, "Fafnir finished it!" Free yelled during the clash Free pushed himself too far and his ribs hurt again. "Ahh" Free yelled as he pushed through the pain to finish the attack and win the battle before collapsing. "Free, Free are you ok?" Kris asked as she looked down at him. "Never better I felt alive with that battle, I just need to wait on my special move." Free said. "That's good to see you almost back to complete fighting strength, let's go get dinner." Kris said as she led the way to the cafeteria. "I'll be ready for you Glass, and you too Phi." Free said to himself before following Kris.

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