Waking up.

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You've awoken in a dusty room, your senses disoriented from the filthy air and the horrible noises filling your surroundings. Your eyes are still adjusting to the dark room around you, so you decided to lay and stare at what looked to be a couch leg..? You weren't so sure of the object, but as your vision cleared more, you saw that it was what you thought it was. Taking your arm and pushing off of the floor, you sit up and stare straight ahead.

You understand where you are now; Clerk's home. But something isn't right at all. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" You say, getting to your feet and slowly looking around at your surroundings. Looking at it now, you can see it clearly. The house was in complete shambles, the roof crumbling and the walls destroyed. "BUT.. HOW?" you utter, in complete shock of everything you're seeing. "JUST A MOMENT AGO.. THESE WALLS WERE FINE. JUST A MOMENT AGO.. IT WAS LIGHT OUTSIDE AND.. AND EVERYONE WAS STILL HERE! THIS NOISE WASN'T RINGING IN MY EARS, AND THE AIR WASN'T SO NASTY!" You stood there, staring at the walls in disbelief for a while, but you look over and see a lantern on the ground. "OH, I GUESS IT IS PRETTY DARK.." You pick it up, and flick the on button.

The lantern turns on, illuminating the walls and area around you. You pick up your hat, and put it back on as it had fallen off while you were on the ground. "OH, AND THAT'S JUST ONE MORE MYSTERY. HOW THE HELL DID I EVEN GET HERE?" If you had recalled correctly, you were just a moment ago in your safe area sleeping, not Clerk's house. You are terrified to step outside and find... whatever is making that noise. Your hands tremble, you start to feel sick to your stomach, a knot twisting deep down. But to get help or find anyone, you need to go out. Whatever the noise was, it was far away. At least the fact it was far away comforted you a little. 

Exhaling, you step forward into the night with only a lantern to guide your way. Your broken glasses and already poor vision didn't help either. The wind blew, and almost sent your scarf flying but you held it tight. "WHY IS IT SO WINDY AND DARK?" You questioned in your mind a lot of things, but the fact the air had a sort of coated dirtiness in it made you question things even more. "I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH THIS DAMN NEIGHBORHOOD, I JUST KNEW IT!" You told yourself, and you were right. Something was horribly wrong. 

You take shaky steps forward, out into the night. The noise you heard before had gotten louder, and you look behind you. Nothing is there, but the noise of low growling is getting louder and louder. "WHAT THE.." You feel breath on your neck. You shake in terror, and freeze for a moment, but immediately start running, your feet instinctively moving by themselves. You regain your composure and head for planters shop, expecting nothing in it. You can hear the THING behind you, it's footsteps sound more and more heavy with every step. You hop over bushes, ducking underneath tree branches, barely making it. You didn't quite make it to planters shop, the thing chased your for a while. Your legs were about to give out, but you finally slid into planter's shop. 

You look up.

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