The abomination.

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What you see before you is nothing short of a monster. You feel yourself tense up, your face melting into a scared, shocked look. Tears sting your eyes, as shock fades into worry. "PPLANTER?" You stutter over your own words, tripping over yourself trying to go up to him to help. "WHAT.. WWHAT HAPPENED? O..OH MY GOD." The vines before you slowly moved, their sounds rubbery and slimy against the roof. There were too many vines to count, and his face was engulfed in vines and flowers. "PPLANTER?" Planter stares at you, his gaze unbreaking from yours. His eyes looked solemn and tired, ready for things to be over. He sighed, gripping the counter. "oh.. hey." He smiled weakly at you, looking sad at the same time. "it's nice to see there are survivors." He looked down, almost like he was ashamed to tell you about his current state, but he sighed again and told you.

"i'm a mimic plant. meaning i take the form of a human, when in reality i look like this." He looked up, and put his hands up in front of him. "but that doesn't mean i'm going to hurt you, okay?" He tried his best to comfort you, and you felt your nerves loosen... but you were still on high alert. "OKAY, BUT WHERE IS EVERYONE? AND WHY ARE YOU THE ONLY PERSON HERE? WHY DID YOU SURVIVE?" You asked, confused still. His eyes look into yours for a moment, his expression dropping. "oh.." 

"clerk.. he's gone." "WHAT?" "he's dead." "NNO.. THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT? WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS?" "police.. gone." "SO THEY ARE REALLY ALL ... DDEAD?" You stood there in shock and disbelief. You felt yourself start to well up, tears of shock and hurt in your eyes as the thought really sunk in that your beloved friends were really gone. 

"I CANT.. I CANT BELIEVE IT. I WON'T BELIEVE IT! NOT UNTIL I'VE SEARCHED THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD FOR THEM!" Planter sighed and looked at you, a small smile. "oh.. i wouldn't do that if i were you. there are THINGS out there. THINGS that took clerk. i tried to save as many people as i could, but my attacks to these THINGS just did nothing." He looked down and hung his head in shame. "i'm so sorry clerky.. i've.. failed you." "and now you're gone. because i was too weak." A tear dripped onto the counter.

"HEY, COME ON NOW.. MAYBE HES STILL OUT THERE!" Planter shook his head, looking up. "don't. don't go out there, you'll die too." "I HAVE TO AT LEAST TRY, PLANTER." Planter looks at you, worried. "fine. please, please be careful. i wouldn't know what to do if i lost you too." He smiled weakly, holding out a red flower. "here." You take the flower, putting it in your hair. "I'LL DO MY BEST."

You step outside.

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