Chapter Nineteen

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"Thorin, a word?"

Thorin bit back an oath as he turned to see Bilbo standing in the doorway of the gem room. It seemed every time he turned around, he tripped over the halfling. And for a burglar, he seemed no closer to finding the cursed Arkenstone, either. Not to mention, he had a habit of appearing any time Thorin found himself alone with Seren. That alone was enough to drive him mad.

He'd missed her, hated being away from her, which was something he'd never felt before. And now, as he stood before a pile of perfect, clear gemstones, trying to decide which ones he'd give to Balin to craft a piece for Seren, Bilbo interrupted him. "What is it, Master Baggins? Have you found the Arkenstone yet?"

"No, but Seren—"

"Take care what you say about her, Master Baggins. She will most likely be the next queen of Erebor."

"Are you so certain that would be wise?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Bilbo came into the room, his gaze going from one pile of glittering stones to the next. "I mean no offense, of course, but—"

"Then perhaps you ought but keep your concerns to yourself." Thorin leaned closer to the chest holding the glittering clear stones. "I think these, with the green stones, would be perfect for her." He looked up at Bilbo. "Her eyes are green, you know."

"I hadn't noticed."

"They are. As green as the lawns of Rivendell. Greener, even. The most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen."

"Yes, well—"

Thorin sighed as the halfling shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Master Baggins, perhaps your interests would be best served anywhere other than my soon-to-be intended."

"So, you think she will accept your proposal this time? I overheard you telling Balin she's already turned you down once."

"What is your point?" Thorin didn't trouble to keep the irritation from his voice now.

"Are you so certain she is the one, Thorin? I also heard you say she cannot have children."

He narrowed his eyes at Bilbo."Taken to eavesdropping, have you?"

Bilbo blushed. "You weren't exactly quiet."

"It is none of your concern and she and I have discussed it, so it's moot as well. Now, you should probably get back to looking for that stone."

Bilbo looked as if he was about to say something, but then must have thought better of it, for he just nodded. "Of course."

Thorin waited for him to take his leave, then turned his attention back to the chests of gemstones and jewelry scattered about the room.

Seren's confession weighed on his mind. He wished she'd said something sooner, wished he'd known about it before. Not that it would have changed his mind, but because he could have reassured her it wouldn't change it far before they reached Esgaroth.

In all honesty, up until meeting her, he'd given precious little thought to children. Perhaps someday of course, but he had yet to meet any woman with whom he wanted to have children. And he'd meant what he'd said in regards to his nephews. The line of Durin would not end with him, Fili and Kili would carry it forward. They could have the children he would not.

He didn't care. He wanted Seren. And if that meant he would have no children...

Well, he wasn't entirely happy about it, but it wasn't enough of a disappointment to keep him away from Seren. He loved her. He wanted her.

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