Chapter Twenty-Eight

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They set out for Erebor that morning, and as they gathered at the entrance to Rivendell, Seren stood before Elrond. "Thank you, for everything. I am forever in your debt for what you've done for us." She looked up at Thorin, standing beside her, healthy and whole, and couldn't hold back her smile. "For both of us."

Elrond bobbed his head. "You are quite welcome, Miss Seren. And I do hope the next time we meet, it will be under more joyous circumstances. And perhaps you will bring the little one to show off a little?"

Thorin's arm slid about her waist as he held out his free one to Elrond. "Absolutely. I look forward to it. And thank you."

Elrond accepted his hand. "As do I."

Seren leaned her head against Thorin's side, smiling as his fingers tightened against her. His thumb grazed up toward her ribs and she smiled as he just barely touched the outer curve of her breast. He did it apurpose, judging by the way his arm tightened about her.

At first, her instinct was to elbow him, but then she decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and slid her hand down over the firm curve of his backside. Her fingers tightened, a laugh bubbling to her lips at his quick inhale. Elrond offered up a queer look, but all he said was, "I look forward to meeting the youngest Durin and watching him or her make use of our fountains as water slides."

Thorin nodded. "We will be sure to bring him or her to do just that."

Seren also nodded. "I cannot wait."

With that, Lindir, Elrond's right hand, came into the courtyard leading more than a dozen ponies for the company to make use of. Seren climbed up into the saddle, Thorin did the same, smiling at her as he said, "Well played, Princess," he told her.

"Princess?" She shook her head slowly. "I am not a princess and even once we've married, I won't be."

"But I plan to treat you as one," he replied with a wink, easing his mount about to face the others, "at least, until you are a queen."

He waited until the others had climbed astride their own ponies, then cleared his throat. "Before we leave, there is something Seren and I wish to share with you."

The others all looked at one another, and Seren held her breath at Bofur's knowing grin. But her worry was for naught, as he did nothing more than smile, while Balin said, "Come on, lad, give over and tell us what you wish to share."

Guiding his pony nearer to hers, he smiled at her and said, "I've asked her to marry me and she's said yes, for starters."

She pressed her lips together as the Company erupted into cheers and well-wishes, and then Thorin winked at her. "But, that's not all. She and I are also expecting a little one come early summer."

Bofur let out a loud sigh. "It's been killing me to not spill!"

Dori shot him a look. "You mean to say you knew this?"

Bofur offered up a toothy smile. "Oh, did I forget to tell you lads that Seren is my daughter? Of course I knew."

Kili and Fili's jaws dropped at the same time and Glóin said, "She's what?"

"Oh, yes. Go on, Seren, back me up on this."

Seren smiled. "It's true. But we both only learned that recently as well." She looked over at Thorin, who winked once more. "It's been an interesting few weeks."

Balin chuckled. "That's one way of phrasing it." He turned his pony toward the road away from Rivendell. "We should be off, then. We have quite the journey ahead of us."

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